Can you or can you not rent out an affordable house?

can someone tell me if you can rent a room out, if you are an owner occupier, under the Rent-A-Room scheme in an affordable house - Part V Scheme - from DCC?
Mel, as in my case if your solicitor did not advice you of this issue, there obviously isn't an issue there. Just ring you Solicitor to be sure but I'm sure they would have adviced on this if it was true.

I've spoken to my solicitor today - as this was a council house, then the sellers need to complete the form described by Vanilla above, stating how much they have sold the house for, where they are moving to etc.
I also need to add my details to this form.
As you say, may be different for Affordable,
Something to note if you are considering purchasing an ex-council property. This stands for 25 years from first purchase of the house.