I've had a Loc8code for ages and saw the logic in using it for all purposes, but no, An Post had to do things differently. I mean look at their track record, they failed as a bank, they failed as a courier company - imagine they deliver letters and parcels daily and have done for decades, yet couldn't do the same job in competition with private companies. Failing as experts or experts at failure?
An Post tendered for, as part of a consortium, the postcode system contract that was advertised internationally with the contract being awarded in the end to another consortium by the name of Capita Ireland, which includes Gamma.
The company responsible for the "Loc8code" did not tender independently or as part of a consortium for the postcode system contract. The algorithm, as that is what is it, that "Loc8code" uses does have it flaws and does not fit all the criteria required for a postcode type system even if it did tender for the contract.