Darth Vader: Luke, I know what you got me for Christmas. I felt your presents.
Darth Vader: Luke, I know what you got me for Christmas. I felt your presents.
I love it when people re-cycle my jokes - it makes me go all green... So he gave her one.
If a bra is an upper-decker flopper stopper
and a gilt edged toilet roll is a super-dooper pooper scooper
What is a punch drunk Japanese who's father has dysentery??
If a bra is an upper-decker flopper stopper
and a gilt edged toilet roll is a super-dooper pooper scooper
What is a punch drunk Japanese who's father has dysentery??
A man went to his Doctor complaining of Hemorrhoids. The Doctor gave him some tablets and on his return visit, asked if they had been successful, to which the man replied. No, for all the good they did, I may as well have stuck them up my ****
This is the best joke ever posted on AAM.