Yearly Performance Reviews - True Meanings.



What these words on yearly performance reviews REALLY mean

1. Outgoing personality - always going out of the office.
2. Great presentation skills - able to bullshit
3. Good communications skills - spends lots of time on phone
4. Work is first priority - too ugly to get a date
5. Active socially - drinks a lot
6. Independent worker - nobody knows what he/she does
7. Quick thinking - offers plausible excuses
8. Careful thinker - won't make a decision
9. Uses logic on difficult jobs - gets someone else to do it
10. Expresses themselves well - speaks english
11. Meticulous attention to detail - a nit picker
12. Has leadership qualities - is tall or has a louder voice
13. Exceptionally good judgement - lucky
14. Keen sense of humour - knows a lot of dirty jokes
15. Career minded - back stabber
16. Loyal - can't get a job anywhere else
17. Plans for promotion/advancement - buys drinks for all the boys
18. Of great value to the organisation - gets to work on time
19. Relaxed attitude - sleeps at desk.