Would you vote for a FF candidate if . . .

Cork - why are you defending Ray Burke, Liam Lawler, Beverly Cooper Flynn and her Daddy, Charlie Haughey, Bertie Aherne etc,etc. These are the real faces of Fianna Fail. Every time you defend FF you are defending these people. What political party would want these as members?
Every time you defend FF you are defending these people

FF only got 30% of the vote at the last local elections.

No party is blameless. Local Authortity members of political partys supported crazy re-zonings. Banks, developers, political partys, poor regulation, media (inc. RTE) peoples stupidity - all contributed to the property frenzy.
Ireland is not the first country to experience a property bubble. Irish people over paid for houses here + abroad.

At the end of the day - they are stuck with massive mortgages.

The property supplements and magazine type programmes like house hunters (I'm an adult get me out of here, house hunters in the sun) may have disappeared. But people will still be paying back for four walls and a roof.
To answer the original question, if there was a GE tomorrow......
I always voted FF and some of the FF guys around this area are hard working straight talking BUT I wont be voting FF this year. Like many people I put my faith into FF for years and always willing to give another chance and trust that this time they will come up with the goods..........
This year I'll vote labour or FG.
Sorry, but FF have had the reins for too long and what gets under my skin is the denial, and not just this but the assumption that 'our supporters' are in denial as well!
I would consider setting up a new political party- " Ar Fúm Féin " roughly translated " All about me " . I will only respond to strikes, disputes or personal tragedies when its only in my interest.

Those who vote for me had nothing to do with getting the country into this mess, its not our fault so why should we pay. I will bring in Tax incentives of all kind for anybody that votes for me and tax the hell out of those evil bankers and developers.

My Slogan "Its not my fault, so Im not going to pay" . .

I will choose to ignore the basic elements of economics that we need to survive in a capitalist regime, prefering to introduce populist legislation that will make my voters feel happy in themselves, but that could potentially ruin the countrys chances of getting foreign assistance in propping us back up.

-Lambast FF. This is a no brainer.

- Nationalise everybodys personal debt. Personal responsibility for ones actions is overrated . Why nationalise the banks when you can offer everybody a get out of debt free card. Sure to hell how it doesnt help the economy in anyway but to let our banks collapse and our credit rating abroad dissapear completely. Sure it was nobodys fault that they bought a house, car or holiday that they cant actually afford to service now. It was all the banks and the previous governments fault for completely fooling us into thinking we were living in a perfect society. It was up to them to tell us what to do and they told us the wrong things . .

- Raise corporation tax (We dont want those rich companies getting things cheaply here, they wouldnt dare move out!).

- Take only the good bits of the banks (as per George Lee, Im no economist but this seems completely impossible, but sure its a popular idea so lets run with it) . .

- Nobody should get a paycut. Who wont vote for that beauty! Ignore internal and external economic problems this will cause. Bankers, builders and unpopular politicans should have to spend at least one day a week in a gallows where people can throw rotten vegetables at them. They cannot be paid until they have performed these duties and even after that, they will be taxed so much they will barely be able to afford the bus home to one of their houses.

- Never say it like I see it. To say such derogatory things like "some people in Ireland are really going over the top in some of their opinions on the economy" is only losing potential votes, instead massage their egos with such wonderful phrases like "you deserve better" (and snigger only to yourself, your not promising them anything better, just saying that people deserve better!) or "I totally disagree with the other partys way of doing things"(without actually suggesting a much better alternative that anybody has confidence in).

-As soon as Im elected in I will automatically say that things will be tough and sure any mistakes I make will be on the back of FF and that among other great faults they have, its their fault that marathon changed its name to snickers (and bulmers changed to magners).

-Always pick one side over the other. Its not possible to actually take in everybodys viewpoint or ideas. If you do you might actually make the right decisions, but the media will make you look indecisive and a weak leader. As such always go to one side and use Spin to get a majority of the public on your side. If it gets out your spending big money on spin doctors, hire more spin doctors to convince people otherwise.

- Always work off decisions that benefit you. You have two options on your table, one is popular among the public but will end up costing alot more then you can afford. The other is very unpopular but will help the longer term stability of the country. No brainer, look at a few opinion poles and get your advisers to give you info that makes that decision work . .

I will post more of my parties stance on topics as the mood of the nation changes . . . .

I am here for myself, to serve myself and to prop up myself at any cost.

I will stop at nothing to improve my personal standing in society . . .

Ladies and Gentlemen I give you " Ar Fúm Féin "
Fast bit of editing there!

You should apply to FF to be a spin doc

I edited it again and will probabley have to edit this! My party is all about change and changing with the times, we are not afraid to change the mistakes we feel we have made . .

Just so we are absolutely clear on this . . Are you sure theres nothing I can say to get you to join my party. .

I can match FF in that we dont have any party logo on our individual banners and I will throw in a guaranteed Job for one of your family or friends if I get elected! . .

Edit: Think I changed this post 5 times . . .
Eamon Keane (Newstalk) was talking about PPARS yesterday,

It was institgated By a FG Health Minister.
Eamon Keane (Newstalk) was talking about PPARS yesterday,

It was institgated By a FG Health Minister.

Correct, a single, simple payroll system is urgently required by the department of health. what wasnt required was the €131 plus million that was signed off by Fianna Fail governments to consultants which came up with no working end product. Dont shoot FG for trying to implement something that was required.
For the record 38.5 million was paid to Deloitte as Consulatants.

Finally, inital expected cost of Ppars was €9m
But given the amounts of grades and structures in the Health system maybe the problem was with the initial idea.

Still no accoutabilty or leadership in FG.
But given the amounts of grades and structures in the Health system maybe the problem was with the initial idea.

Still no accoutabilty or leadership in FG.

Now theres a question.

Would most people be agreed that the best , current politician in the dail to lead any party would be Richard Bruton.

Would we not all feel better if he was head of FG.

Would he be a great strong leader or end up dissapointing like Cowan.

You are only as good as your backroom staff, lets be honest Cowan's is deplorable in parts.

I would sooner take advice off one of my rabbits (the one thats always in the vet with stomach problems), then the Headless, incompetent, utterly non redeeming qualitys of Coughlin . . .

I still cant believe people voted for this person . . .