Would you ever go out with someone who is married

If you know are you not an accessory to the "crime"?

How about a brutal analogy for the craic, you come across someone breaking into a car, he's trying to hotwire the car but doesnt know the wires to cross, you helpfully explain what to do and walk on by. Ok its his crime but didnt you help it happen?

I'd accept that you have the lesser responsibility but, all in all, I think people should stay away from married persons..... (sound like a dinosaur I suppose but there you go....)

You don't sound like a dinosaur. It's a fair attitude. If given a choice between a single woman and a married woman, I would always choose the single one because there is a chance for it to go somewhere..

However if I am out and a few drinks have been had and a woman is flirting with me, I tend to ignore anything that might be on the finger! I am not saying I am proud of it but I don't beat myself up over it either. I should point out this has only happened a couple of times in a long and mainly unsuccessful dating life!
I never received as much unsolicited attention from women before I got married. The wedding ring is like a flame to those moths.

From the other side, I wonder how a single woman can believe anything a married man might say to her. After all, he's already deceiving his wife. Once he'd broken that vow, his promises are empty.
I never received as much unsolicited attention from women before I got married. The wedding ring is like a flame to those moths.

+1, some women see it as a challenge to "click" with a married man. I have found myself in 1 or 2 situations where I experienced the above. If you could only see me...you too would wonder why ;)

I never take my wedding ring off, even display it clearly and state I am not looking for anything. Story, end of.
I personally think people who are with people they KNOW to be married are as bad as the married person themselves. Yes, I know the whole argument of 'well its the responsibility of the married person to not cheat etc...' - but if there werent people willing to knowingly be with married people, there would be less married cheaters!!

If a married person came onto me the foremost thought in my mind would be that they were not a nice person because they were willing to cheat - so Id have no interest on that basis alone.

If someone is willing to treat their husband/wife with such disrespect then that says a lot about the type of person they are.
Hi there, truthseeker, I agree with you whole heartedly. It takes a very strong person IMO to be married and remain faithful, the reality is there is so much temptation out there for people. IMO some one who cheats, the reality is they have a very weak character....

TBH, there is one married woman that I would see and go out with fairly regularly. We both enjoy it, I don't see much harm in it.
TBH, there is one married woman that I would see and go out with fairly regularly. We both enjoy it, I don't see much harm in it.

But do you "go out" like to a pub / restaurant, in public?? Is there not a risk of someone seeing you? Or is it a bedroom relationship?
I've been with two married women in the past. They weren't very happy as they were, well, so they say. Who's to know? The first one flirted with me for weeks before we first got together. The flattery got me! I wasn't very proud of myself, nor the second time round. But it happens sometimes and it may happen again. I myself would never cheat on anyone, but I have found that I catch myself thinking that if these women were able to do it, then what's to say it would never happen to me. Which is probably why I'm single!

I just reckon, if you want be with someone, be with them. But if you've already got ties, then maybe sever those ties if there is nothing in the relationship, before you move to the new person.
But do you "go out" like to a pub / restaurant, in public?? Is there not a risk of someone seeing you? Or is it a bedroom relationship?

I suspect that he might be seeing this particular married lady for some time! ;)
But do you "go out" like to a pub / restaurant, in public?? Is there not a risk of someone seeing you? Or is it a bedroom relationship?

In the case of the married woman I see it’s all of the above. I suspect Caveat is in the same situation.
It takes a very strong person IMO to be married and remain faithful,


I've been married for close on 12 years. Never once have I been tempted to betray my vows. I would not consider myself to be a 'a very strong person'.
I've been tempted to stray.. Mr Bear and I were going though the worst time ever, and well I was close to someone and we both were really tempted to start something. I didn't though.

I wouln't necessarily say I am the strongest person ever! but it does take strength of character to step back from a situation and just assess what you are about to do...
I have friends who take their wedding rings off when they are out. Not because they want to cheat but they want to be able to flirt. I find that really odd.

I know 2 girls who this and find it a bit pathetic. Same 2 would lose their nut if their husbands did it.
But do you "go out" like to a pub / restaurant, in public?? Is there not a risk of someone seeing you? Or is it a bedroom relationship?

I suspect her husband knows all about it and is quite happy with the situation.
suspect that he might be seeing this particular married lady for some time! ;)
lol:) And there was I looking for a bit of sca:) you've let me down lads, let me down big time:)
Q: Would you ever go out with someone who is married?
A: Definitely NO! There is no way I'm going out with my wife!