It toook me two hours on the phone one morning to source what still appears the best deal on the market for my needs.
I can say that here and now there is no way on this wide earthly world will I be paying any broker fee if it comes into affect.
I have no problem in doing the research and application forms. At the end of the day, if you are not willing to get out there and find the best deal for yourself then you are just cutting off your nose to spite your face. In this day and age with emails etc there is no reason why people can't do it for themselves.
Do we pay fees to brokers for Car insurance? life assurance ??
...so will come up with some other way of doing people out of money.
But ... up to now the only lender not going through brokers was NIB - and they have the lowest rates (under 80% LTV anyway). So maybe cutting out brokers does result in lower rates? It doesn't take much advice to tell me that 4.8% is lower than 5% ?
But ... up to now the only lender not going through brokers was NIB - and they have the lowest rates (under 80% LTV anyway). So maybe cutting out brokers does result in lower rates? It doesn't take much advice to tell me that 4.8% is lower than 5% ?
How come some of the brokers and ex-brokers on the board will not address irishlinks point regarding NIB.
One broker has actually argued that Halifax rates are lower than NIB rates for people with LTV's 50%-80%.
see here
I don’t want to bring my own problems with my Broker onto this thread but this is what happened to me.
My Broker arranged my loan and didn’t tell me about that the bank were going to charge me an arrangement fee of 5,000 euro, which I only found out after I had drawn down the money. If that was not bad enough because of my problems I changed banks as I thought that broker was still getting commission. I just walked into my bank and asked if they would take on this loan interest only ,No problem. What shocked me then is that even after two interest rate hikes the new loan was costing me 500 euro a month less.
So without saying to much Brokers you can xxxx xxx from me.
Despite the question marks, I can't see a question to be answered in irishlinks post. It appears rhetorical to me.
I fully agree that National Irish Bank's LTV tracker variable mortgages are cheaper than any other trackers on the market at present, for those who qualify for them. I don't know if this is solely because they don't pay commission to brokers. I'd imagine it also has something to do with their source of funding - presumably via Danske Bank. It probably also has something to do with their very selective lending policy - these rates are only available to those seeking <80%, no re-financing of other loans, no self-builds, no investment property etc.
One broker was wrong and you corrected him. What's your point here?
The point I was making was that you were comparing one bank’s(NIB) APR rates with the nominal rates quoted by another Bank (Halifax).
This will obviously have the effect of making the NIB rates look higher than those for Halifax. This I still believe is misleading to make an unfair point, i.e. “there are rates out there which are cheaper than NIB’s LTV rates”
If you want to, you can also save money by avoiding trips to the G.P., by sourcing all the medical information that's out there on the internet and diagnosing yourself. Some people would prefer to have an experienced professional explain the finer points to them that an amateur wouldn't be aware of.
My point is that this broker, who provides a good web-site, and blog, was prepared to admit he was wrong only when challenged by someone who had the figures and facts to prove hom wrong.
How many qualifying customers going to a broker would just accept the brokers word and go with his recommendation, even though there is now and has been for some time a better alternative for qualifying customers, i.e. NIB's LTV Tracker Mortgage?
I think the source of NIB's funds is irrelevent to the qualifying customer.
I think comparing mortgage brokers with GP's is going a bit far.
Comparing mortgage rates from about 15 sources to find the best for a borrower is a good bit different to the skills and knowledge required by a doctor - skills that will have taken at least 6 years of training.
Or how does a "marginal" client who doesn't qualify for the requested amount with all lenders know which lenders to approach and how to present their information?
How can someone "present" their information" differently? Are you saying that maybe brokers get clients to provide false information?
We could spend ages discussing the pros and cons of brokers. The original question was would we be willing to pay a fee. Personally no - but my view is that they are needed by some people and in the ideal world - lenders would give no commission and brokers would charge a flat fee for finding the best mortgage for a client.
Liam, nobody is questioning your integrity...you are a valuable contributor to AAM. However, there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that there are brokers selecting the mortgage which will yield the most commission for clients. Equally, there are brokers organising fake P60's and the like to help clients get bigger mortgages (and I'm not necessarily saying this is a bad thing) I think mortgage brokers are similar to travel agents in that they are becoming obsolete. Yes, there is still a niche for very specific business where advice is required but in any market the middle man's position is always pretty tenuous.