

Registered User
Haven't seen this in key posts, so am starting a new thread.

Found that a picture hanging in our main bathroom is infested with mites that are drilling holes in the frame. These things are tiny (I think they can fly), and don't match the description of woodlice that I found on google, or look like those I remember from my days a country lad. Anyone know what they might be, and what the cause is? Also, a suggested solution would be much appreciated.

For what it's worth, I think they were in the frame when we bought it in Atlantic around 5 months ago, as this is a new apartment, and this bathroom isn't particularly damp.
They're not woodlice. Woodlice are the ones you'll find under your flowerpots or other places where there might be decaying matter.

Are you sure you don't mean woodworm? If so I think the best advice is to get the frame out of there before they spread to other wood.
Well I'll be.....Cheers Clubman, looks like it's some derivation of woodworm (Question-when is a worm not a worm......?). I'll be throwing out the picture frame, and I hope that will take care of the problem, but there is quite a bit of wood in the vicinity, which I hope isn't infected. The trouble is these things can take a few years to manifest themselves, so it will be nearly impossible to tell if the problem has been sorted.

Has anyone used a solution or stain to prevent woodworm/treat potentially affected areas? I'm going to head to the hardware shop this afternoon and see if they have anything.
As far as I know woodworm are the larvae of some sort of beetle (er, the woodworm beetle perhaps!?) and are the things that do the damage to the wood.