Will you go for a pint when restrictions are lifted?

I haven't had a pint in Kehoes for months. If the cost of me getting back on that barstool is a few thousand dead old people then so be it!
I think as we settle down and try to get back to normal your tongue in cheek comment is probably the way lots of people are beginning to think. Older people will be seen as collateral damage.
I think as we settle down and try to get back to normal your tongue in cheek comment is probably the way lots of people are beginning to think. Older people will be seen as collateral damage.
Many a true word spoken in jest...
My neighbour ordered a few pints for home delivery on Friday and they were fantastic.

As a Guinness drinker, drinking Peroni from bottles is ok, but no substitute.

And pints are no substitute for the large bottle - either from the shelf or the cooler !
I see a pub in clonmel (non restaurant no food) is to open on june 29 when restaurants and cafes open despite what the stage reopening dictates. His reason is that the protest march in dublin last weekend with thousands of marchers not abiding by social distancing and no enforcement by the gardai. I think many more will follow, "Do they take us for idiots". As the end of june approaches the pressure to open will be huge, the government will no longer be able to hold the line as a precedent was set last weekend.
"Do they take us for idiots". As the end of june approaches the pressure to open will be huge, the government will no longer be able to hold the line as a precedent was set last weekend.

I think they'll find it a lot easier to shut down a pub and raise objections at the next license renewal though.
This post will be deleted if not edited immediately I'd love a pint right now...
I was craving beer last week with the sun and heat. Not a huge pint man. Cold bottle of Peroni did the trick.
Have ordered some more of the 660ml bottles, 4 for 10 in Tesco.

Now its back to my virtual blind wine tastings.
Cant understand the sitting at the bar bit. I would have thought that the plexi screen would work. In effect single see through cubicles with room for a pint to be slid under to the cumtomer. when all those seats gone table service.
Cant understand the sitting at the bar bit. I would have thought that the plexi screen would work. In effect single see through cubicles with room for a pint to be slid under to the cumtomer. when all those seats gone table service.

My guess would be it's not just the social distancing between the customer and barman...
it'd also be about distancing the customers at the bar and then the people trying to walk around the pub itself, both customers and staff.
The bar tends to also be the 'corridor' in most pubs for getting in \ out \ to bathroom.
Advance online booking of tables in pubs is a recommended.
There’s an article about it in The Irish Times today.
Farcical carry-on.
Advance online booking of tables in pubs is a recommended.
There’s an article about it in The Irish Times today.
Farcical carry-on.

I know. We are getting into the realms of ridiculous now....
Hopefully it’ll be like the smoking ban, it’ll come out in the wash. It’ll take a while but eventually it’ll be self policed/regulated.

No vintner will refuse a group of customers that rock up to the door without a booking if he’s got a free table.
The Irish Media love to write the obituary of The Irish Pub.
Paper doesn’t refuse ink.
It’s fake news.
Ridiculous suggestion yet again around the opening of shopping centres...

They also suggest that special access times be allocated for those at high risk from Covid-19 or those who have been cocooning, carers, front line staff and people with disabilities.

So we should a special hour in the day when people high at risk from getting Covid 19 like frontline staff can shop with the people who are most at risk if they get Covid 19.... Unless of course they are suggesting a hour for frontline staff, a hour for carers, a hour for people cocooning etc......Sure the shops will be delighted be back paying rent, wages etc with those trading conditions.....
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I hate to admit to, and ashamed to say it, but I have stopped visiting supermarkets beside hospitals, where staff nip in for their lunch items.