Will anyone here vote Fianna Fail?

Without getting an argument over FF - if voting for a particular candidate is 'admitting' something well then yes - guilty as charged

'Indulgence' what a comment....

I personally, do not give a fiddlers who anyone else votes for as it is their constitutional right, or am I to be told who to vote and who not to vote for in modern day Ireland?
The best TD in our area is one of the FF TDs. Which means a dilemma. He may be subject to protest votes, but out of all the others representing the area he works the hardest and is the most pragmatic. I would sympathise if he was to lose his seat in any protest.

I'm not ruling any party or individual out at this stage. Voting to me balances the overall party agenda as a collection of TDs with the individual local agenda. The two aren't inseperable and reasonable people can weigh the two together to come up with their voting preference.

I'm not ruling out a vote for FF, but I'm not ruling it in either. It may take something approaching a miracle to fully rule it in, but balancing that against the party information from the opposition and their candidates, I find myself like many people where I actually dread a general election on the basis of I'll be damned if I do (based on right now) and damned if I don't and then stuck with the results.

The immediate agenda may well the be economy, but our problems run much deeper than that and no party is looking beyond the duct tape fix rather than the mechanical fix.
I personally, do not give a fiddlers who anyone else votes for as it is their constitutional right . . or am I to be told who to vote and who not to vote for in modern day Ireland?
Of course . . and hardly. I'm just saying that IMO given our closed-shop, self-financing, party-political (lot of hyphens there) system one is voting for more than just a candidate.

Just curious here

Why would you rule out one party on policy grounds (Labour) while voting #1 for another candidate on "hardest working" grounds?
Just curious here

Why would you rule out one party on policy grounds (Labour) while voting #1 for another candidate on "hardest working" grounds?

Fair Question;

Because I neither see the candidate working hard either in the locality or the constituency added to the fact that Labour have yet to come out with how they're going to make the necessary cuts.
Because I neither see the candidate working hard either in the locality or the constituency added to the fact that Labour have yet to come out with how they're going to make the necessary cuts.
How depressing.

I wonder is there any chance we could be directly ruled from Germany?
Well perhaps the entire country should 'spoil their vote' that'd sort out the mess and cheer us up.
I'd be delighted if they did.

It would show what a sham Irish politics really is and that people want something better. I'm fed up with parish pump politics, corruption and incompetence.
Please could you explain how spoiling a vote is same as not voting, and how both of these are "akin to voting for something worse than the 'best of the worst'"?

Because the outcome is decided by the people who actually vote correctly for candidates.