Will anyone here vote Fianna Fail?


Registered User
Despite Fianna Fail being hated the length and breath of the country they are still somewhere between 18% - 20% in the opinion poles. This would suggest that 1 in 5 people will vote Fianna Fail.
So despite everyone pronouncing their abject hatred for the soldiers of destiny there must be some on here who will vote FF when the election comes.

So will anyone here vote Fianna Fail? Either 2nd 3rd or 4th preference?

Anyone brave enough to admit it and give a reason why?

I don't want to turn this thread into a "leaving off steam" area, merely trying to gauge if those on here represent a cross section of the community.

I for one was a FF voter in the past but now I'll never vote for them again.
I don't know who I will vote for but people voting FF wouldn't shock me. Remember politics in Ireland is mainly local. I know in my area, the best TD is probably from FF. Can't see myself voting for him though. Although my FG alternative is a loud month member of the front bench who loves the sound of his own voice but is useless. Labour are weak and I refuse to vote for them unless they publish detailed costed budget ideas. Greens got my vote last time but not again. Would rather burn my ballot paper than vote for SF. So am in a right little pickle!
I will vote for the canditate who is seen working throughout the term and not just making noise coming up to elections. If everyone votes this way then we at least get people who are willing to work.
Apparently FG are making a statement today about how they deal with things when in government.

It is supposed to be a new vision,with reform of all sorts.
Now if this is true and they have finally made up their minds what they will do and if it looks like they tackle issues that are difficult, and make radical changes.
If they do this they will get my vote.

As for voting for FF,I dont understand why 18% who would vote for them..

This is from the RTE website;

FG launches 'Reinventing Government' plan
Updated: 09:16, Sunday, 7 November 2010

Fine Gael will today publish details of its plan to get the economy back on track and improve public services if in Government.

Politics - FG plans introduction of car pooling for Government ministers
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Fine Gael will today publish details of its plan to get the economy back on track and improve public services if in Government.
The 'Reinventing Government' policy document contains proposals to dismantle the Health Service Executive and the training agency, FÁS, as well as the introduction of car pooling for Government ministers.
It also includes an overall reduction in the size of the public sector and a demand for pay restraint for senior public servants.
Fine Gael Leader Enda Kenny is LIVE on the This Week radio programme at 1pm.
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I will vote for the canditate who is seen working throughout the term and not just making noise coming up to elections. If everyone votes this way then we at least get people who are willing to work.

Totally agree.
I vote for the candidate not the party.
Our two backbenchers do nothing

However our other TD is always in the news, works very hard for the area and tops the poll every time.

I vote for someone like that and not somebody who drops a letter through my door every four or five years and then I never hear about them again.

Politics is local, if your best rep in the area is FF then that's how they get votes. And their cummann structure is probably the best of any party.
The problem is that is how we end up with a bunch of idiots who put local interests ahead of the national good. I don't blame them but the system is seriously flawed. Look at the pictures of the dail in session and see all the empty seats. I realise that work gets done outside the chamber but most TDs can't even be bothered to turn up for leaders questions or debates on important legislation. They will simply turn up and vote as per the whips instructions. The system needs complete overhaul.
So true Sunny

For example I think the HSE should save money, just don't dare close or downgrade my county hospital ;)
I'd like a university too, the county next door has one so I demand one too!

But do we want to follow the UK, I don't.
Where you can parachute anyone into some areas and if you are in the right party you are assured a seat. The greatest fool can beat the ablest politician depending on the colour of your badge, blue, red or yellow.
These MP's have zero connection with their voters and probably don't even live there.
But at the same time they are free to concentrate on legislation and the national good

An overhaul is needed, I don't know the solution though.
The TD that I see on the ground sorting out local issues and dealing with local people is the person who will not get my vote. I vote for the party that I think has the best economic policies. That's it, nothing else. Socially they are almost the same and none of them tackle any difficult moral issues (they leave that to the courts). If I want a local issue addressed I will contact a local councillor. Then again, our stupid system makes sure that we have glorified county councillors in a glorified county council running the country.
Looks like I'll be spoiling my vote as usual.
It's the only logical thing to do. I'm certainly not voting for the 'best of the worst'.
As someone who is not a native of the State who now lives in it, I think the way your politics is, people will vote FF anyway if thats the way they always voted.

Cant see FF voters suddenly becoming 'FG', or 'Labour'. Maybe I am wrong?

Bit like NI, you stick with who you always voted for, although NI politics is slightly weird to use as an example.
So will anyone here vote Fianna Fail? Either 2nd 3rd or 4th preference?
I always voted FF up to 2007 when I switched to FG & Greens(never again). I usually vote through the card starting with the Party I dislike the most(Labour) and working backwards to No# 1. FF will therefore probably get some low preference from me but FG will get my 1, 2 (and 3 if they have a third candidate).
Looks like I'll be spoiling my vote as usual.
It's the only logical thing to do. I'm certainly not voting for the 'best of the worst'.

Spoiling your vote or not voting is akin to voting for something worse than the 'best of the worst'!!!
So will anyone here vote Fianna Fail? Either 2nd 3rd or 4th preference?

Anyone brave enough to admit it and give a reason why?

I don't want to turn this thread into a "leaving off steam" area, merely trying to gauge if those on here represent a cross section of the community.

This thread was done last year. I'll vote for FF if I think they will be better for the country over the next 5 years at the time of the election.
Spoiling your vote or not voting is akin to voting for something worse than the 'best of the worst'!!!
Please could you explain how spoiling a vote is same as not voting, and how both of these are "akin to voting for something worse than the 'best of the worst'"?
Yes, I will be voting FF as the candidate who will receive my #1 is the hardest working (regardless of party) of all parties in the constituency.
I will not be voting FG as I neither like nor trust their 'high profile' candidate in my area.
Labour - no clear policy = no vote.
Green = as with all other candidates apart from #1 above, is only seen every 5 years..'nough said there..
I've never voted Fianna Fail. Not out of any party loyalty or ideology :rolleyes:. I grew up in Dublin North Central where Charlie Haughey ruled the roost, so a preference for not voting for him developed.

I'm now in Dublin North East where the current FF TD is Michael Woods. The reason to vote for him, aside from party loyalty, eludes me . Ditto a previous (to 2007) TD, Martin Brady.

I assume Woods won't run again in the next election and that Brady will, so my indifference to FF candidates will probably continue.

Spoiling your vote or not voting is akin to voting for something worse than the 'best of the worst'!!!

I disagree. IMHO turning up to actively spoil your vote is a 'better' way to express something. I spoiled my vote at the last Presidential elections cos I thought all of the candidates did not deserve my vote.
Yes, I will be voting FF as the candidate who will receive my #1 is the hardest working (regardless of party) of all parties in the constituency.
Interesting that you admit to this. I suppose the 18% has to be someone.

In what way is the candidate 'hard working'? Is it stuff they do locally?
Yes, I will be voting FF as the candidate who will receive my #1 is the hardest working (regardless of party) of all parties in the constituency.
Given the nature of our party-political system and the state of the country, I wonder if it is an indulgence to vote in this manner? After all it's FF TDs (hard-working and not) who are the life-support apparatus for the double-act who brought us the worst decision in the history of the State.