You got that wrong Galway-Blow. I was born in the early 1950's where we didn't even have roads. Most towns had dirt tracks for streets and it usually only the main road that had some form of tar. The 1960's were just as bad. Even very few had cars. Into the 1970's where things began to change a little. We joined the EEC where we could try and get some kind of aid from Europe. Even women who got married were allowed to remain working in the Public Service. There were no such things as Maternity Leave, Parental Leave, This Leave, That Leave. Times of recession were normal times in Ireland - repeat - Times of recession were normal times in Ireland. We were not used to one car, never mind two car households. If things were good in the 60's, 70's, 80's talk to our elderly homosexual community today. They suffered back then like none of us in the straight community could imagine. Different subject, I know, but look around now and just even think of the change in Ireland.
I look around now. People moaning about the speed bumps on the road. Motorists/Cyclists think they own the roads. Parental Leave, Maternity Leave, etc are being extended every year for some reason or another (not a bad thing, don't get me wrong, but look at your post - our generation deserves a break, at last).
Or do you still want us to keep giving to a generation who now couldn't give up crisps at lunchtime? This Leper is dying broke. Don't bother even coming to the funeral.