The National Consumer Agency, now the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission, I believe, is currently in breach of si 307/2000, by forbearing their investigation of unfair terms utilised by Financial service providers. Si 307/2000 was an amendment to si 27/1995 that the Irish State was forced to transpose into Irish Law by the European Commission, as they had left it out of the original si 27/1995. Si 307/2000 provides for the setting up of a national body whose main function is " the protection of consumer interests ". This was stipultaed in the original European directive 93/13/EEC
On the Central bank of Ireland's website it states that it may investigate personal complaints but it is under no obligation to provide the results of the investigation ( presumably if it initiates one) to the complainant. So, for example, the Central Bank of Ireland agrees to investigate your complaint, the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission under the MOU are now absolved of any further action and you are not entitled to any feedback about your complaint from the Central Bank.
The Central Bank of Ireland further state, that if you have an individual complaint about a Financial service provider you may refer to the Bank's internal complaints department or seek redress from the Financial services Ombudsman's office.
Now moving to the Financial Services Ombudsman, they will only deal with complaints to which you are a party to. They also state "Broader issues of Consumer protection are the responsibilty of the Central bank." So again, for example, you have your mortgage paid off, but you wish to complain about the unfairly high variable mortgage rates charged by the banks in this Country that your children are subjected to, you have nowhere or no one to complain to.
This is an obvious breach of section 8(4) of si 27/1995 as it prohibits an individual complaining about an unfair term in a contract that he/she are not party to. Finally, I have to add that the whole purpose of si 307/2000 was to set up a body that dealt mainly with consumer protection issues. It is incredulous that the NCA, now the Competition and Consumer Protection Commision has entered such a ridiculous understanding with the Central Bank and has given away a major core purpose for which it was set up for, in the first instance. It is a derogation of its core duties. The MOU between the NCA and the Central bank should be the other way around.