If the OP is/was getting viewers in then surely that's a sign that the price isn't a million miles off. However, lack of any follow up from any viewer is strange, and most likely means that having shown up and looked at the house there were disappointed.
You may wish to be honest with yourselves and take a hard look at how the house is presented. If the house is looking well (and maybe the opinion of a blunt friend or relative should be sought out) then at least you can rule that out. Personally I think many house hunters are very easily put off by poor decor or clutter, and are unable to make what are not great leaps in their own head to see the potential of a property.
There is also a chance you have a bit of a lemon of an agent on your hands, who may be foiling any chance of further interest, either by not being pro-active or being inaccessible to potential buyers.