Why I will be voting Fine Gael!!

gearoidmm said:
If the powers that want to be can't understand basic economics it doesn't bode well for the future of the economy if Fine Gael get into power. That said, I don't hold out much hope for us if Fianna Fail remain either (cue the inevitable giveaway budget this winter - shades of the late 70s). Sinn Fein are practically communists and the Greens want to wipe out whatever industry we have left.

Anyone got any suggestions as to who we should vote for?

Thanks for asking the question I've been posing in my mind . . . .who to vote for. So who's got the right idea and who should we vote for?
Re: Why ill be voting Fine Gael!!

lff12 said:
As an FG member I am considering strategically voting FF to force them back into government where for once they will have to stand accountable, rather than having other parties to blame for the downturn.

Interesting. Im always half expecting a downturn and reckon that FF will lose an election just as its happening and then blame the others on it. And in the next election our electorate will vote them back in. We'll see then how they govern with a severe lack of funds.
Re: Why ill be voting Fine Gael!!

lff12 said:
As an FG member I am considering strategically voting FF to force them back into government where for once they will have to stand accountable, rather than having other parties to blame for the downturn.

I remember this particular point being made on these pages before the 2002 election!
Were you around in the late 80's?

I know you weren't asking me, but I'll answer anyway. I was around but not clued in. I lived the 80s as a schoolkid beginning to learn more about Economics than how to spell it.

What I haven't seen, but would love to see now is the economic stats from then compared to now. We've all seen the headline comparison of high unemployment and interest rates. That was all before the era of both low unemployment and low inflation. Some of them crept out of the woodwork in light of last week's events. e.g. Budget estimates being 80% less than actual spend, etc.

Does anyone know of a good article/paper that puts across a detailed comparison of our 1980s and 2000 economic statistics.
I was around but wasnt worrying about economic trends /policies etc etc. I was concentrating on riding with two wheels and the like.
All I gather form our current government is that they've reigned whilst the times were very good , the best they've ever been,maybe and they've wasted huge amounts of money.
I always hear them waffling on about we've spent more on this and that. They might be spending an extra few million but what was its equivalent in the bad times.
(If they had 1 billion to spend in the 80s and spent 100 million on Health, but had 10 Billion to spend in the 90s and spent 500 million on Health. Sure its more but in real terms its only 50% in my view.)
- I hope that comes across ok. Remember, Im not an economist.
they've wasted huge amounts of money

It is the nature of government, always and everywhere, to waste money with staggering profligacy.

The people best qualified to spend the taxpayers' money are the taxpayers.