Whatever money a priest gets he deserves it. Do people realise atall the nature of his work. There is one priest in our parish, he is 70 plus years old. There are 2 Churches in parish. He has to do Sat night Mass, 2 Sun morning Masses, weekday morning Masses. Funerals, wakes, weddings, baptisms, sick calls, accidents, First Fridays, visitations to sick both at homes and in hospitals, visits to 3 schools, First Communions, Confirmations, Penance services, Months Minds, Stations. You can imagine when it comes to trying to fit in all the Easter ceremonies in both Churches and Christmas Masses. All the various paperwork and time it takes preparing sermons for every occasion, attending religious conferences and lots more. In the country he's expected to appear at senior citizens parties, school concerts, gaa matches, sportsdays and whatever. One day a week off and always expected to be in good humour.