I have never noticed that written on American currency. However, I have been to other countries too and could not tell you whats written in small print on their currencies either. Who cares ? At least "In God we Trust" is a bit more wider embracing / less sectarian than the Angelus, as most if not all religions ( in the west at least ) seem to believe in some God / supreme being. The Angelus is another matter. People turn on their TV primarily for two things , entertainment and acquisition of knowledge or news. Most people I know turn to another station when they hear those boring bells on tv or the radio , for that matter. Only a station of "the state" and underwritten by state finances would have them.Nobody is compelling anybody to view it. In America you have "IN God we Trust" on their national currency. Are people cribbing?
Only a station of "the state" and underwritten by state finances would have them.
I think it's a sad old relic from the days (thankfully almost gone) when the word of a priest was more important than the word of law and being harassed for religious contributions was regarded as normal.
To those of you who are able to be at home at 18:00 in the evening, hush your whining and pick up the remote?
6.01 news invariably opens with two dudes chatting away to each other or fiddling with their laptops. Clearly they haven't been reflecting
Go This post will be deleted if not edited immediately, Go !how Is It Promoting A Religion? Its Not Exactly A Harvey Norman Ad
Fiddling with her lap-top ?But sometimes its Sharon, so thats ok.
Why do people get so hung up on 1 minutes programming, it is not offensive and there is no words spoken so therefore no preaching involved. Is it just the default mode in peoples brains to attack anything that the catholic church is involved with?
I find the entire concept of religion offensive and patronising.
Words are unnecessary, the meme is transmitted by the death knell.