Why do people that go to the cinema think its ok to leave their rubbish?

Re: Why do.....?

i thinks its a disgrace that people do that, but i always clear my food tray away from the like of MacDonalds and i was told by my buddy not to do that, that there are people hired to do it, so im putting them out of a job!
I always find this attitude amazing. We then turn around and wonder why the cost of everything is so high.

"Can't someone else do it?"
Re: Why do.....?

Sure, but which came first - the chicken or the egg?
The chicken and the egg were lying in the bed ........ the chicken was having a few puffs and looked quite smug ........ the egg, really ****ed off and glaring at the ceiling. After another deep drag the chicken says ....... "Well that has sorted out that question".:D
Re: Why do.....?

I don't throw it around but I do leave it in the arm or under my seat, have never thought of it really, I guess its because I'm paying for a service and I expect that I don't have to clean up after myself.
Uh oh ...I'm always guilty of this one ..I leave my empty popcorn carton and drink behind ..but I honestly don't think they have bins in the public area of the cinema I go to...

On the other hand I always clean up after myself in MacDonalds etc...
Always leave it on the floor under my seat. Never gave it a 2nd thought.
I will do now. but just thinking about it, Didn't notice bins in the lobby??? Must check this when Im there next!

Would always empty tray at fast food outlets!!
At circa €7 - €9 for a popcorn and drink, cinemas can't expect people to feel sorry for their cleaning bill.
The fact that a team of workers usually make their way in a couple of minutes before the end of the show and are waiting at the sides with big plastic bags does give you the impression that it is ok to leave your rubbish there. I won't be changing my ways anyhow.
The fact that a team of workers usually make their way in a couple of minutes before the end of the show and are waiting at the sides with big plastic bags does give you the impression that it is ok to leave your rubbish there. I won't be changing my ways anyhow.
If ticket (and popcorn) sales fall because prices are too high and everyone suddenly started cleaning up after themselves how do you think a proper manager would seek to reduce their costs in order to bring prices down and increase sales?

People can do what they want, it doesn't bother me in the slightest, but I do think it's somewhat naive to believe that behaviour A doesn't lead to cost B. If people are happy paying that cost that's fine too, but if you're not happy with the cost and then deliberately leave your rubbish for someone else to collect, well that seems somewhat silly to me.
It just seems mannerly, to clean up after yourself.

If my Cinema, we have one bin outside each screen, and more in the foyer area.

It just riles me, that people think its ok to have someone else clean up after them. When I was younger, my mam would kill us if we left stuff behind us.

As I said, the staff aren't hired cleaners, they are shop assistants but still have to leave their work to clean up each screen after the shows.

You'd be amazed at the things you find!
It just seems mannerly, to clean up after yourself.

If my Cinema, we have one bin outside each screen, and more in the foyer area.

It just riles me, that people think its ok to have someone else clean up after them. When I was younger, my mam would kill us if we left stuff behind us.

As I said, the staff aren't hired cleaners, they are shop assistants but still have to leave their work to clean up each screen after the shows.

You'd be amazed at the things you find!

Its really down to the perception of what you think is entailed in the service provided when you pay a premium on the food on offer and when you pay your entrance fee. For me it is part of the service that I don't have to join the crowd leaving the show with half empty popcorn and drinks containers looking for the bin near the entrance. Regards the silliness of not being happy with price and yet not cleaning up after me, would that apply to a restaraunt too I could easily bring my plate into the kitchen and maybe they would reduce the overall cost on that too.
I leave drink cups etc. at the cinema but leave it tidy, if the kids spill popcorn then we'd clean it up. There are no bins provided so I won't carry it around looking for one. I hadn't really given it a thought to be honest, I would always inform staff if there was spill of juice or something that wasn't obvious.

In fast food outlets I clear up after us, they provide bins though. Some restuarants (the one in Tesco for example) ask you to clear up after you. I find this a bit strange but comply as they provide a tray trolley.
Regards the silliness of not being happy with price and yet not cleaning up after me, would that apply to a restaraunt too I could easily bring my plate into the kitchen and maybe they would reduce the overall cost on that too.
If that was the business model of the restaurant, then yes(ish). It's more prevalent on the Continent but in, for example, Cornucopia on Wicklow St, Dublin, you give your order at the counter, collect your food, and pay. No waiter service. In some restaurants you'd leave your tray at a carousel. End result:food at low price in city centre location (10 Euro meal).

It's not for everyone, lots of people will prefer to pay more and have someone fold their napkin for them, but the principle does work. Where people are happy to clean up / serve themselves costs are reduced and the price reflects that.

FYI, Cornucopia is always packed, and not just with bearded lefties.
But its not the staff that pocket the money that gets paid for this overpriced food. Its the fat cats from above!

It just seems that people think they can throw their rubbish to their floor to leave for the staff to clear up, staff that are lucky they have a job but get paid minimum wage.

With resturants its kinda different. There's tables and any mess is pretty much contained to one area - the plate or table close to it.

In the cinema, the range is a lot more spread out. It really can be hard work cleaning a screen full of people who can't be a*sed to clean up after themselves.

I dont think its very hard to pick up the container you were eating or drinking from a place it in a bin by the door. You are walking that way after all.
I have to admit I leave the stuff behind. Reasons:

1. The cinema I use has very few (if any) bins in the foyer or near the screen doors. If they won't supply bins then they are indirectly saying that they take responsibility for cleanup. Fine with me.

2. The cinema I use has extremely poor access, so I'd rather not be the last out of the cinema while I grope around in the dark, then go looking for a bin, then get stuck waiting to get out of the car park for 20 minutes or more.

3. And yes, the unwarranted premium price includes cleanup. Reduce the prices, supply bins, and I would change my behaviour.

In a fast food outlet I clear up after myself 90% of the time.
In a fast food outlet I clear up after myself 90% of the time.

Is there that much of a difference between the two? They are both service industries. The fast food chains usually actually employee a cleaner to clear tables and tidy up during the day (The cinemas don't)

Fair enough, if they dont supply the bins they shouldnt think that people will hunt for a bin or bring the stuff home with them, but in the cinema where I am, there is a bin outside every door, more in the foyer, and with ample access areas.

Fair enough, the cinemas are minting it with the food prices, but again, I mention, its the staff that have to clear up, not the company owners!