Why buy new and not second hand?

If you drive a lot, Buy a new car you will get value from it
If you dont drive a lot dont waste your money on a new car

Excellent summary! I'm on the lookout for a second car at the moment and it won't be a new one....
Decided to change my 04 Peugeot 307 this week as it seemed to be using a lot of fuel. NCT due in September as well, and a it just did not seem to be driving great.

Have had three brand new cars (and a couple of junkers before that) and don t think I will be bothered buying brand new again.

A couple of years back, I was interested in cars, but now I want to just get from A to B. So, despite my family thinking this is the best joke ever, I bought an 07 1 LitreYaris!

Only have it since Tuesday, but love it to bits. Its fun to drive, easy to park, really economical to run, plus a very low depreciation rate. Also due €80 back off the insurance, so happy days.

Definitely think nearly new is the way to go.