Who should initiate the local tongue?

Should HE be the one who forces/inititiates our conversations in French or should it be I????

You are in the same situation as myself, the biggest flaw in your question in my opinion is the fact that he should initiate conversations in French. Its not the responsibility of one partner to initiate the language - especially if you are easily communicating in another.

If you are still at learning stages at French you should
- Do lessons
- Join a conversation group
- Start watching French shows on TV (the equivalent of X-factor or Big Brother I find are great for learning a language, there is a lot of repitition, its very followable, while Id never watch them in English they are useful for absorbing a foreign language)
- Allocate (one or two) evenings every week where you and your husband will struggle through communicating French no matter what.

Slowly you'll find you'll both naturally speak a bit more French to oneanother even outside of hte allocated evenings. But the attitude of "he should initiate it" is definitely wrong.
I thought the French government provided language classes for all immigrants free of charge?

Just remember no matter how fluent you become to never let on to the in-laws. Lack of communication skills with them can come in very very handy...;)