Who are these two eegits?


Registered User
My breakfast reverie was disturbed this morning by RTE.
At first I thought it was a joke - a story about two guys who had taken a boat and rowed across some water and got capsized- drunken eegits I thought.
Then it transpired that they were rowing across the Atlantic to America no less and had called out all the air sea rescue services they could think of!
In the words of the encyclopedia of modern life - 'Is it just me or is everything ****?'
If two fellas took a boat to row across a lake in the middle of the night and got capsized you would surely think they deserved all the ridicule and penalties that society could impose by wasting everyone's time and resources on a wittless venture.
But here you have a couple of brainless tightheads rowing two or three thousand miles in the middle of winter across the ocean to Antigua and then wondering why they went This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language over face!
And RTE treating them like heroes!
What really summed it up was the closing line from one of them when asked what he was going to do next. ' Get home and have a pint' he replied.
Maybe it IS just me and everything IS ****!
I'm not a fan of these type of ventures (Ellen McArthur etc.).

At least she had an Olympic medal, pity these guys didn't concentrate on something where they could win a World Championship or Olympic Gold (I guess that's their own choice). One of them had rowed in the Olypmpics for Ireland before.

At least there wasn't too much of a media circus around the event. Who really cares of they can make it across the Atlantic on a log or whatever the hell they used. Flying (even with Aer Lingus) is much quicker and more comfortable.

And safer as well I'd imagine.
Flying (even with Aer Lingus) is much quicker and more comfortable.
Have you travelled in EI economy transatlantic recently? It's torture!
They were competing in an Atlantic Rowing race.

Dont be so quick to ridicule people who set out to achieve something and fail.

You can only admire people like these.
SteelBlue05 said:
They were competing in the an Atlantic Rowing race.

Dont be so quick to ridicule people who set out to achieve something and fail.
Rowing the Atlantic? Sounds ridiculous to me anyway.
ClubMan said:
Rowing the Atlantic? Sounds ridiculous to me anyway.

Climbing Everest, treking to the South Pole, even doing your local 10km charity run? Its about trying to achieve something, competing against others. Whats so ridiculous about that?

If people didnt have an inbuilt desire to achieve we'd be a very dull society.
The opinions here on this particular thread are very narrow minded, I thought I'd try to show you why we shouldn't ridicule these 2 guys from our PC's at our desks.
While I can appreciate some of the things people do to test themselves what does rowing the atlantic prove, surely this could be done on a rowing machine at home.
SteelBlue05 said:
If people didnt have an inbuilt desire to achieve we'd be a very dull society.

There are plenty of other areas in which they could have attempted to achieve something. Rowing the Atlantic is/was stupid, that's my opinion.

Why not try running to China?

Safer I'd imagine, just as much endurance required, no need to call every coastguard for miles for fear of drowning.
Ha ha- I like it! However I strongly agree with Clubman on this one. I don't understand these types of highly questionable ventures; neither can I "get" Mount Everest "tourist" climbers. What do any of these ventures prove- in the main something similar has already been attempted by someone else previously. Does it add to human knowledge or endeavour in a meaningful way? I don't know, strikes me as a bloody waste of everyone elses time and money (the rescue services involved won't receive a cent). Then again I don't "get" horseriding as an Olympic sport either, silly me.
Don't think they are Darwin award nominees......I though one had to be killed by a stupid endeavour in order to qualify first!
Must say I am on the side of the rowers here. For those not agreeing with the human endeavour side of this, to what extremes do you think man should push himself if at all? Marathon running, hill walking, 100m dash in the olympics?
Maybe I'd have more "sympathy" if they funded their own rescue. Perhaps they could run a sponsored marathon, 100m dash etc to raise funds. Or they could do a sponsored hillwalk, in bad weather with poor visibility, wearing inappropriate clothing and inadequate equipment.
Ham Slicer said:
Rowing the Atlantic to raise funds for a cancer charity. Does that also sound ridiculous?

The cost of the rescue effort will probably outstrip any funds raised for a charitable cause.
Carpenter said:
The cost of the rescue effort will probably outstrip any funds raised for a charitable cause.

What's the chances of an Atlantic Rowing Race taking place without insurance?

The event was also heavily sponsored.