I heard Clare Daly on Vincent Browne last night,she repeatedly mentioned the "ordinary people"..
Anyone know who they are?
her ULA colleague, the trotskyite Rich Boy Barret,....sure don't all 'ordinary' people attend fee paying private schools on Ailesbury road!!!!
loved John Waters article in todays IT on socialism and how those that preach it and are involved in the politics of it at the highest levels are normally well to do and privilleged:
"Socialism, everywhere it happened, was a bourgeois imposition, born of the guilt and guile of self-serving elites who sought to dominate “the masses” by pretending to be on their side. On the Irish left, and in the weave of leftist commentary, this syndrome is visible also, complicated by the fact that, since there was never an Irish industrial revolution, there is no Irish working class.
Thus, the “left wing” voices in Irish society are almost invariably the overeducated progeny of the well-heeled, whose politics are the ideological equivalent of kicking their fathers in the shins. [/B]This is broadly true of the Labour Party, and overwhelmingly true of leftist voices in the media. Socialism Irish-style is almost exclusively self-interested paternalism, an ideological noblesse oblige seeking to dismantle Irish social and existential norms while hiding behind a pretend concern for “the most vulnerable”.