Who are "The Ordinary people"?


Registered User
I heard Clare Daly on Vincent Browne last night,she repeatedly mentioned the "ordinary people"..

Anyone know who they are?
Her voters. And the people who would vote for her if she was in their constituency.
There’s a story about the big-wig visiting a collective farm in Russia in the 30’s.
He was being shown around by the local commissar who wanted to show how well “educated” the workers were so the commissar stopped a peasant and said to him, “You understand communism, don’t you comrade?”

“Yes”, said the peasant.

“So if you had two houses you’d give one to your neighbour?”

“Yes”, said the peasant.

“and if you had two houses you’d give one to your neighbour?”

“Yes”, said the peasant.

“and if you had two coats you’d give one to your neighbour?”

“No”, said the peasant.

“No? Why not?”

“Well, I have two coats” replied the peasant.

That’s socialism/communism folks.
Yep; Its a bit like the man who had trained his dog to attack anyone who had more money than him, soon enough the dog turned on his owner
Don't confuse things Mpsox.
Next you'll be throwing 'the most vulnerable in society' into the mix.
Don't confuse things Mpsox.
Next you'll be throwing 'the most vulnerable in society' into the mix.

Ha Ha!

Or the "middle income earners who are feeling the pinch" is another one bandied about.

In fact collect all of those terms and you would think that not one single person in the country can afford to do anything.
Ha Ha!

Or the "middle income earners who are feeling the pinch" is another one bandied about.

In fact collect all of those terms and you would think that not one single person in the country can afford to do anything.

Oh but don't forget the "fat cats" they can afford to support us all if only they would agree to a wealth tax!
Category Income
Fat Cat > 75k p.a.
Middle income 40k to 75k p.a.
Ordinary People 20k to 40k p.a.
Most vulnerable in society < 20k p.a.

Any better suggestions or intermediate categorisations?
It is not people who eat their dinner in the middle of the day like Jackie Healy Ray said.
Surely the election results show "that we have matured as a nation"+

As for Clare Daly and Co I think I would prefer to take my chances in the Capitalist state rather than the Socialists parasdise of Albania and North Korea.
It is not people who eat their dinner in the middle of the day like Jackie Healy Ray said.

I always found this one very outdated - Who has the time to cook and eat a dinner in the middle of the day?
Famers tend to still do it. I struggle to think of anyone else though.
Always had dinner at 1PM this growing up, its the way forward. At almost 29, i'm still finding this panini culture a major pain in the @$$!

@Der Kaiser, I would put another category before fat cats:

Category Income
Fat Cat > 100k p.a.
High income > 75k p.a.
Middle income 40k to 75k p.a.
Ordinary People 20k to 40k p.a.
Most vulnerable in society < 20k p.a.
I always found this one very outdated - Who has the time to cook and eat a dinner in the middle of the day?

My dad spent 30 years eating his dinner at 1pm (worked in Dublin Fire Brigade). So 1pm is still "dinner time" for him and he finds it strange that I want to have dinner at 8 or 9pm and 1pm is sometimes breakfast time for me
Apart from farmers, who are at home, it seems to me a luxury rather than something ordinary people do. Not sure about paninis, but a quick sandwich or bowl of soup or a reheat of last night's leftovers is what anybody I know eats during the day. Even as kids we had our main meal after school, say 6pm.
Nowadays I'm lucky to eat by 7.30 or 8, not out of etiquette but as schedule dictates!

I grew up on a farm and we had our dinners in the evening before the 6 O'clock news. At lunchtime, my mam and Dad had a sandwich and tea at lunch time.

When I started working over 20 years ago, my first boss use to walk home for his lunch every day, his wife had it on the table.

Another neighbour (non famer) use to drive 7 miles home everyday for his dinner - there wasn't so many cars on the road then.

I eat my own dinner at 8 or 8.30. I have found if I eat earlier I'm hungry at 10. Now I don't go to bed until 11.30 or 12 as I don't have to be up 8.

Depends on circumstances really I guess, my Dad was a teacher 5mins from the house and Mam didnt work so made perfect sence, and I would consider us "ordinary people"

Granted I dont do it now but I always go for "proper" dinner on a Friday, speaking of which.....!
I often have my dinner in the middle of the day. Live 5 minutes from work and have and hour for lunch so plenty of time.