Where to change Uruguayan Pesos?


Registered User
My local Bank of Ireland wouldn't change Uruguayan Pesos (only 3000, about €100), "we don't do them, try 'Thomas Cook" . . anyone know off hand who might change these?
Cannot help you on this, but if you cannot change them anywhere, why not drop in the charity bin the next time you are passing throught the Airport.
They are very difficult to change.

Even in Buenos Aires, we had to go to 9 different banks to get them changed.

I would say Thomas Cook might be the only option
Your bank said that 'They dont do them' Thought that banks were legally obliged to take any legal currency.

You should be able to bring them into the central bank

Who did you get them off in the first place. Bring them back there
Why would any Irish bank or the Central Bank of Ireland be obliged to take Uruguayan pesos?

Thomas Cook do seem to specialise in the more exotic currencies, so I would try them (as others have suggested).

As to giving them to charity-if you can't exchange them for euro, would they be any good to a charity?
homerjay said:
Your bank said that 'They dont do them' Thought that banks were legally obliged to take any legal currency.

The bank are legally obliged to take legal tender, which in Ireland is Euros only (and formerly punts but they are no longer obliged to accept them).

Accepting foreign currencies is a commercial decision. For example if a currency was in rapid freefall it would be unreasonable to expect any bank to accept notes in a currency which might have fallen further by the time they are able to convert it themselves.
As to giving them to charity-if you can't exchange them for euro, would they be any good to a charity?

As this is a common method of fundraising at the airport maybe the charities have found a particular bank/institution who will do this for them (and it might not necessarily be in Ireland for the more exotic currencies)?