Where has the word "were" gone?

My daughter (who, God love us, is planning to attend one shortly) has taken to spelling it "collidge" ....
'Licence' versus 'license'.

Bargin instead of bargain! Very prevalent on gumtree.ie and donedeal.ie
I know some of it can be carelessness, however a lot of people struggle to learn the basics despite trying very hard..

I personally like and find colourful the different ways people use language and hope the uniformers don't win out.......

Hands up. I mispronounce words all the time! I more than once used "emancipated" instead of "emasculated". I have to think about expedition/exhibition, only for "The Galway Girl" song can I now pronounce "Galway" correctly...the list goes on. It's a curious thing, I know the meanings and contexts of all words I use, I just tend to mix them up..and once I've done it once, it's stuck! Friends correct me, others rarely do.

The one I find weird in others though is the ommission of the word "to"..ie. I had to go school...think it's a local thing as I don't think I've heard it outside the South East.