Where has the word "were" gone?


Registered User
I keep seeing it written as "where". At the moment I'm reading a lot of holiday reviews and it is staggering how often "where" is written instead of "were". It's not just the odd typo either, it happens often enough that it is obvious that is how the writer thinks it should be written. I've seen it in a few emails I've received as well. Just now I was doing a search on the IKEA site for an item and got the message: "No matches where found for your search".

It wasn't bothering me at first, but now that I'm noticing it all over the place it's irritating me now! Does this annoy anyone else?
Can't say I noticed but I have noticed the following:

we're instead of were
their instead of there

and this is bugging me a bit
loose instead of lose.
" could of " when it should be " could have "
" I done "
" I seen "
" Alternate " when in the context it should be " Alternative "
That particular misspelling drives me absolutely crackers. EVERYONE does it nowadays.

Drives me mad too! They are not the same! The its thing annoys me a little too. People not knowing whether to use its or it's. But loose wins hands down. People are trying to loose weight not lose it apparently!
We've had these threads before. The one that gets to me is "pacifically/ pacific" rather than "specifically/ specific"
I know someone who always says "pacifically" instead of "specifically" and it is annoying - I wouldn't dream of correcting him though! Would anyone here correct someone who was using words incorrectly? (Not talking about correcting written words but rather in a face to face conversation).
A few more misused and misspelled words

alot for a lot, alright for all right, sincerly for sincerely, truely for truly

insure/ensure, principal/principle, your/you're, advise/advice, affect/effect, weather/whether, your's/yours, alternate/alternative .......... and, of course, the supermarket signs potato's and flower's. A student once wrote she was writing an "sa" - took me a long time to figure out "essay".

"amount of people" instead of "number of people", "Marley Park" instead of "Marlay Park"
I have to say bad spelling etc is a pet hate of mine. Wasn't it Con Houlihan who said that a man who misplaces an apostrophe is capable of anything!!!
I keep seeing it written as "where". At the moment I'm reading a lot of holiday reviews and it is staggering how often "where" is written instead of "were". It's not just the odd typo either, it happens often enough that it is obvious that is how the writer thinks it should be written. I've seen it in a few emails I've received as well. Just now I was doing a search on the IKEA site for an item and got the message: "No matches where found for your search".

It wasn't bothering me at first, but now that I'm noticing it all over the place it's irritating me now! Does this annoy anyone else?
Where has it gone? Perhaps down t' pit ............. as in "When I were a young lad my ambition was, not to be a film star, but to work down t' pit.";)
brang instead of brought ....
them things ....
... and the one that drives me crazy .... a big ask :rolleyes:
one that I have noticed on this forum and others is "collage" instead of "college". Drives me mad!! And your instead of you're.