When your health MUST come first....

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Why do you disagree fundemantally with everything he has done while still holding him in such high regard. How can someone so "right" get everything so wrong?
What you are doing is simply putting words in my mouth - I never described Mr. Lenihan as being " right "

I do think however that his decisions were made on the basis that he felt that they were " right " hence my comments on his integrity.

Merely because people have different viewpoints does not mean that only one of the parties can place a claim on integrity.
Without breaching posting rules regarding the discussion of health matters, perhaps his condition is mild and a short treatment of Chemo / operation might fix/contain the cancer?
Stress is not helpful to any illness, clearly he is in a very demanding and stressful

For an ambitious and hard working person sitting at home could be far more stressful. I think it's very much a personal choice and really no one knows how they would deal with it.
"For an ambitious and hard working person sitting at home could be far more stressful. I think it's very much a personal choice and really no one knows how they would deal with it"

Then will all due respect I would suggest he needs to address his work life balance. If he were not a public representative in such a senior role, ie, if he were running his own business I might take a different view. I am uncomfortable for many reasons with him continuing in his current role if he is seriously ill. If, as suggested in a previous post, this is a mild easily treated cancer then that is another matter. But if that is the case why all the hype.
That's your opinion of what you would do and what you would like him to do. He has decided otherwise which is his right.

Yes it is. That is what internet forums are about. I wish him the best as I would anyone with an illness.
I think that some of the hype may serve to raise awareness of cancer and the various supports available (RTE did interview someone from the Irish Cancer Society during the news and displayed their freefone number), and that can't be a bad thing.
Speaking as a Cancer survivor...

Brain Linehan (and his family) has been hit with a very severe blow, but he hasn't lost his brains. He's the same man he was the day before he found out the news.

Many posters and others in the general media seem to take the attitude that Cancer sufferers should instantly drop everything and drop out of public life....never to be heard of again.

He appears to have good backup, both personally and in his work and, no doubt he will receive the best of treatment (and I do hope that he does put HIMSELF first in this regard). He said himself that he will know if it's (the portfolio) too much under the circumstances - let him make that decision himself (no doubt, it will be taken for him if it becomes necessary and he fails to act)

Brian Linehan has taken the decision of many, many Cancer suffers before him, to simply say "Let the Journey begin!" and see where that takes him.

I have some idea of what he's going through. I wish him well.
gipimann said:
I think that some of the hype may serve to raise awareness of cancer and the various supports available (RTE did interview someone from the Irish Cancer Society during the news and displayed their freefone number), and that can't be a bad thing.

Surely we are all aware of cancer and do not need more awareness of it? You cannot pick up a newspaper or magazine without reading an article on cancer. If I were a cancer sufferer or survivor the last thing I would want to read is an article on cancer. If people are not aware of the disease they must be living on Mars.
Hi all, I hope thread is not revoked.

After sleeping on it and hearing more about the subject, I do think he is very brave and I suppose being in the public eye he is better off coming out with it and saying whats on his mind.

I didn;t just start this thread to talk about Brian, I am sure he is sick of people talking about him, just really saying what on my mind about work-health balance.. As someone said, some thrive on stress. I am probably one of those, busy busy busy, but again as health is our wealth I hope he really will put himself first aND NOT THE COUNTRY and not his job... Its a fact that a lot of people, especially Men, feel under pressure to continue as normal when they are sick, but they really must not and listen to their own bodies and slow down... As I said before, having seen family members go through it and not come out the other side, I hope he gets well and maybe sees work is not No 1. Its really not...............
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I have to say I find it a bit irritating how the man is suddenly honest and full of integrity because he has cancer.

Previous to this most people agreed he was part of corrupt FF saving the bankers and property developers and not giving a damn about the average joe.
I have to say I find it a bit irritating how the man is suddenly honest and full of integrity because he has cancer.

Previous to this most people agreed he was part of corrupt FF saving the bankers and property developers and not giving a damn about the average joe.

Fair point. Usual hyprocrisy
I have to say I find it a bit irritating how the man is suddenly honest and full of integrity because he has cancer.

Previous to this most people agreed he was part of corrupt FF saving the bankers and property developers and not giving a damn about the average joe.

I'd agree on that the media can be hypocritical, but I don't think this was the case with Lenihan. My view was that there had been a swing towards respecting Lenihan as he grew into the Finance role, to the extent where he was the only FFer to be spoken about in the same sentence as competence without any sense of taking the mick.
i'd agree on that the media can be hypocritical, but i don't think this was the case with lenihan. My view was that there had been a swing towards respecting lenihan as he grew into the finance role, to the extent where he was the only ffer to be spoken about in the same sentence as competence without any sense of taking the mick.

I'd agree on that the media can be hypocritical, but I don't think this was the case with Lenihan. My view was that there had been a swing towards respecting Lenihan as he grew into the Finance role, to the extent where he was the only FFer to be spoken about in the same sentence as competence without any sense of taking the mick.

What competent decisions has he made so far?

As far as I can tell the man can't see how screwed our economy is. Certainly his decision making and the statement he makes would suggest this is true.
What competent decisions has he made so far?

That's not what I was saying. What I was saying was that in my opinion the media hasn't suddenly switched to being sychophantic because of his illness, but have for sometime been quite respectful to Lenihan and seemed to be of the view that after a shaky start had become a good minister.

Personally, I feel this too, but that's not what the thread is about.
Discussion of Health Issues and the health status of named individuals is not allowed

I was listening to an interview on the radio early with Brian Lenihan.. The guy has cancer, but most of the talking was saying, he is fit for work now and will be throughout, "although the chemo will take its toll"....

Discussion of Health Issues and the health status of named individuals is not allowed on AAM.

The thread was originally deleted (its a feature of the board that when the first post is deleted then the entire thread is deleted) but has been reinstated and locked after considertion by the moderators.

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