When, under what circumstances, will the lockdown end.

Anyone care to speculate when restrictions will relax to allow flights to Spain/Portugal?

For holidays eg apartments/hotels

This holiday season?
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And it seems that there are people coming to Ireland from abroad . Mainly , according to reports, from Britain to their holiday homes in Ireland. How is that allowed to happen either by the powers that be in Britain as in people travelling distances or the Irish Gardai allowing them in. They should be told to return from wherever they came from. Considering the Covid 19 numbers are increasing there so much how are they travelling and our people here cannot I dont think that it is just Britain by the way. I agree that we Irish should not be travelling by the way. As far as i know also there are still flights landing in Irish airports bringing people from Europe . Where is the logic?
Jack Lambert, professor in Infectious Diseases at the Mater and Rotunda hospitals and UCD school of medicine has warned against the lifting of restrictions in relation to Covid-19.

Public hygiene facilities 'an embarrassment' and need to be improved to fight Covid-19, expert says

"I've walked around time going to and from work and other situations...It's an embarrassment the kind of facilities that are there," he said.

"People are doing what they can, but is it the responsibility of a little shop to ensure they have all the hand sanitisers and so on in place?

"They need directions, supervisions and support. None of that's in place."

Post offices were doing “absolutely nothing” with no hand sanitizer, doors that had to be pushed to open. How can you lift the lockdown when you don’t have plans in place for that,” he added.

Efforts by Dublin Bike to clean handlebars with baby wipes were not good enough, he said. “They need to do better, baby wipes are not good enough.”

The situation in nursing homes was chaotic, he said. There needed to be better testing, better education about PPE and more PPE.

Plans for nursing homes should have been developed two to three weeks ago, he said.
Are these professors like the economists in the financial crisis who spend their time doing the media rounds questioning everything. They seem to be coming out of the woodwork with their views. Wonder how many of them are just peeved that they are on the sidelines looking in...I am sure the professor in Infectious Diseases at the Mater and Rotunda hospitals and UCD school of medicine knows what he is talking about but I don't think the people making these decisions are any less qualified.
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Easy for him to say. He lives in a world where someone else pays the bill for decisions he makes.
The people who have to actually put plans in place have to live in the real world where every country in that world is competing for a limited supply of tests and reagent, PPE, hand sanitizer and medical equipment.
Does he think that every door in every post office should, or can, be replaced with automatic doors? Is he serious?
If I was renting aa Dublin Bike I'd sanitize the handlebars myself.
Who does he think is going to do the supervision of the shops etc? Is there am army of trained people knocking about that the rest of u are not aware of?
The situation in nursing homes was chaotic, he said. There needed to be better testing, better education about PPE and more PPE.

Aren't most of these private companies that charge lots of money for their services with professional standards they must adhere to? They still need education on PPE?

With regard to the bikes, do we want a nanny state overseeing every little aspect of our lives or hope that people to take some personal responsibility? Expecting Dublin Bikes to sanitise the bars after each use is like expecting every means of public transport, every business, every public office, etc., to have enough staff on site to follow customers around and sanitise every single thing they touch. It's just not viable at any scale.
Going on today's briefing it looks like we are aiming to try to at least partially reopen come may 5 as long as figures stay on same trajectory as last week.
What do people think partial re-open looks like? I must say I find it hard to see the journey between partial re-open and full BAU.
Do you think a preferred plan is to re-open and take some economic bump from the tourism season at a risk of a second wave, or sacrifice the tourism season to maintain low infection rates?
The most likely way it will happen is the reverse on how things were tightened up initially, most people allowed back to work with the emphasis on working from home wherever possible, restaurants and cafes re opened with an emphasis on social distancing as much as feasible. Pubs and schools are a much tougher ask. I think every school child below leaving cert are done until September which would allow leaving cert students more room to social distance etc.
Vast majority where I work are now working remotely, but the company have confirmed they will not allow full BAU until vaccination is complete. They're looking at reconfiguring offices to handle a scaled return for those who most need to be in the office to facilitate distancing, and believe that scaled operation will take 18+ months.
The worrying thing is that no one knows when this virus will ease enough to enable even a partial easing of any lockdown measures.
I definitely agree that schools are a challenge, I know we are coming close to summer holidays anyway but we were just talking at home this week comparing last year when we would have been enrolling the children in all sorts of summer camps. If these aren't open and available I think a lot of working parents would struggle to find alternative "child care" so perhaps working from home where possible continues to be the only option.
I have to say in many ways I'm loving the lockdown. We have to stay open in work as we are a critical service. I'm cycling into work again and there is no traffic. People are friendlier when you pass them in the street. Even the weather is great. I know that's looking at it from a totally selfish perspective and I do miss family and friends and general social contact but the traffic...
The kids are hating it. They are bored out of their minds. Not bored enough to clean the house properly or have the dinner made when I get home but they actually miss school; that's how bad it is. I agree that the schools, with the exception of 6th year, will almost certainly not open until September.
They can talk all they like but with the lack of data at this stage it's just conjecture.

I sometimes talk with friends about what I'd do if I won the Euromillions. That doesn't mean I will win it.

I agree.
Until the data shows it's safe for people to leave their homes and go about their business as they did before without endangering themselves why risk it ?