daltonr: Surely life is all about choices. You are free to decide whether to marry or not and free to decide between a church or registry office wedding. It is not possible to micromanage everybody and every situation; you can only be responsible for your own actions, how others deal with it is up to them. If you decide to have a church wedding you don't really because of family concerns then you're either a pragmatist or manipulatable; take your pick. Life is not a walk across a field. If you stand up for what you believe in you'll always irk somebody or other. You can do things your own way but you shouldn't expect everyone to be smiling about it all the time. As I said before the church as an obligation to communicate it's teachings to the Catholic community; if that upsets a few people then so be it; the Catholic church is not a PC all-things-to-all-men organisation, nor should it try to be.If a non-catholic wants a registry office wedding, but having one would force catholic family members to choose between their church and attending the wedding, then I don't think the non-catholics can ignore the churches pronouncement.