What's the most important job done in the country?

You probably have to start with what occupations we could live without to wittle down the ones we do really need.

As for bin men, If I ever gave up want I do, i could see myself working as one, up early and home early. An honest way to make a living.
Nearly there! I can just see thousands of celtic tiger-ite apartment dwellers eating out of their window boxes.

Without food producers we'd be.....well starving.

My argument was that we could absolutely do without Irish farmers but that we would starve without shipping links. You seem to assume that Irish farmers are the only people who could supply us with food.
All the farmers in the country need machinery, fertilisers, pesticides, herbicides, fuel etc etc. All of which rely on shipping links.

So, the country could not be fed without the shipping links, despite the farmers!
And as the bulk of what the farmers / food processors produce here is exported anyway, we still need the ships to take that good stuff away and import our food.

Did you know, for example, we import sub-standard milk via Northern Ireland to be packaged as whole / low-fat milk for sale by the multiples? The majority of the foods produced from our own good milk wind up on supermarket shelves far from home.

BTW, to prevent our electrical recycling and hazardous waste going into our landfill sites - its all exported to pollute 3rd world countries; we need ships for that as well.
we import sub-standard milk via Northern Ireland to be packaged as whole / low-fat milk for sale by the multiples?

Off topic I know, but curious where you get this from? How do you know the milk imported from NI is inferior quality to Irish milk? Is milk from cows in Fermanagh different to milk from cows in Monaghan? Genuinely curious.
From a friend, a former driver who did the run regularly. The imported milk consistently failed quality tests (butter-fat content, bacteria levels, contaminant levels (non-milk content in milk!)) that locally produced milk had to pass, but it didn't matter as different criteria were applied than those that dictated the local farmers milk quality bonuses.

BTW my post says via NI not from NI
The most important job in the country are our guardians of the peace, the Garda. If we didn't have The Garda, society would collapse into anarchy and it would be everybody for themselves.

Nothing would function or work correctly. Everything we take for granted would disappear.
The most important job in the country are our guardians of the peace, the Garda. If we didn't have The Garda, society would collapse into anarchy and it would be everybody for themselves.

Nothing would function or work correctly. Everything we take for granted would disappear.

In my experience they are bugger all use most of the time. If it wasn't required by my insurance company in order to make a claim I don't think I'd bother calling them if my house/ car was broken into.
No, we could do without the police for longer than we could do without water in our taps or food in our shops.
Nearly there! I can just see thousands of celtic tiger-ite apartment dwellers eating out of their window boxes.

Without food producers we'd be.....well starving.[/quote]

By that you mean farmers.....avonmore don't magic up that milk and cheese:D
My argument was that we could absolutely do without Irish farmers but that we would starve without shipping links. You seem to assume that Irish farmers are the only people who could supply us with food.

So Irish farmers, but you would need farmers. Empty boats wothout the farmers.

Oh and Sherman, Monaghan milk rocks !

And in my local shops Tullamore dairies are cheaper than any of the supermarkets and so so so much nicer. Its a throw back to the milk of my childhood......god i love milk......mmmmm

Oh right, i'm acting a little weird i think !
The Hens,
we could not live long without them.Up early every morning at crack of dawn adding the finishing touch's to thier daily ovate produce from which many daily dishes and delicate delights are made.
Sewerage disposal plant operators. I could live without electricity or running drinking water for a while, but I could not live with my own bodily wastes piling up and not being flushed hygenically away!
Sewerage disposal plant operators. I could live without electricity or running drinking water for a while, but I could not live with my own bodily wastes piling up and not being flushed hygenically away!

You'd use an outside loo like much of the rest of the world. The Gardai we could definitely do without (agree with Purples assessment of them whole-heartedly) but farmers definitely not.
You'd use an outside loo like much of the rest of the world. The Gardai we could definitely do without (agree with Purples assessment of them whole-heartedly) but farmers definitely not.

or a septic tank like the other half of the country currently uses.
Then mr farmer comes along and takes it away to start the process all over again.
using a tractor (imported on a ship) which burns fuel (imported on a ship) to power a muck sucker / spreader (made from components imported on a ship) ...
using a tractor (imported on a ship) which burns fuel (imported on a ship) to power a muck sucker / spreader (made from components imported on a ship) ...

na, he can use a horse, cart and a hand pump........tractors haven't always been around.

or just mix it with hay and get a grape and away ya go. Its only spreading $hite after all, not rocket science.

Do you need a machine to make butter or to milk a cow ??? or to plant and harvest spuds ?? or feed for animals ??? NO

Grass grows, you cut it, feed it to cows ( in the winter), they eat it, milk it produced, the cow is milked there is your food. No machines needed at all.

And the men who built the ship need energy to build.....from food......from the farm;)
na, he can use a horse, cart and a hand pump...
In theory, but in order to replenish the breeding stocks of suitable working horses in this country, they'd have to be imported, on ships.
... Do you need a machine to make butter or to milk a cow ??? or to plant and harvest spuds ?? or feed for animals ??? ...
Grass grows, you cut it, feed it to cows ( in the winter), they eat it, milk it produced, the cow is milked there is your food. No machines needed at all....
All very nice and idyllic but unfortunately theoretical.

I suspect you haven't been on a modern working farm for a while; maybe you're dancing your life away at the cross-roads with some of Dev's comley maidens. ;)
... And the men who built the ship need energy to build.....from food......from the farm;)
Yes, in Fuji Heavy Industries shipyards in Japan or India!!
In theory, but in order to replenish the breeding stocks of suitable working horses in this country, they'd have to be imported, on ships.
All very nice and idyllic but unfortunately theoretical.

I suspect you haven't been on a modern working farm for a while; maybe you're dancing your life away at the cross-roads with some of Dev's comley maidens. ;)
Yes, in Fuji Heavy Industries shipyards in Japan or India!!

Does food just appear in Japan ???

As i have proved you don't need technology to produce food. But you need food to produce everything else.

Look at the alotment movement at the moment.