What words irritate you........

The way the Gardai say "vehicle".

Do they teach them this in Templemore? Nobody else pronounces it the way they do.
The way the Gardai say "vehicle".

Do they teach them this in Templemore? Nobody else pronounces it the way they do.

You've never used Bus Eireann then. 'Stand clear. Vehickle doors operrrraaaating'. :D
I always thought that it needed a double z in Italian to get the t sound e.g. terrazzo pronounced "terratzo".

I'd be grateful for clarification from italian speakers.
The way Anne Doyle (news reader) pronounces issue - 'isssss-u'. It always sounds weird to me.

Audit pronounced as 'oddit'

A new phenomenon that also irritates me is the use of words like 'incentivise' - i've yet to confirm that this is actually a word!
My MIL says 'irregardless' all the time. Hello, the word is Regardless

It's not a mispronunciation but It annoys me anyway

Also the RTE way of saying 'OR' TE.
Secretary grates with me, it is almost always pronounced sec-et-ry on RTÉ news rather than sec-re-tary.

Also kilometer as kil-ohm-eter rather than kilo-meter as in centimeter and kilogram. Apparently it's acceptable pronunciation according to the dictionary but I'm not having that.
all of the above mentioned and:
tings (and generally not pronouncing the th)
wor-um instead of worm
calling lidl - lie-dil (it might be right but it sounds wrong to me)
I always call spaghetti bisketti and it drives the other half mad :p
The way Anne Doyle (news reader) pronounces issue - 'isssss-u'. It always sounds weird to me.

She's also famed for how she pronounces "sexual" - sex-u-al, most people don't break it us as much.

If you ever hear that auld, I mean revered presenter Gaybo, ocassionally on Ray D'Arcy, he's always doing his nut about this stuff. Comes across as a bit of a ponce.
If you ever hear that auld, I mean revered presenter Gaybo, ocassionally on Ray D'Arcy, he's always doing his nut about this stuff. Comes across as a bit of a ponce.

Yeah, "the dreaded soft Irish 'T' " is one of his pet hates it seems.
She's also famed for how she pronounces "sexual" - sex-u-al, most people don't break it us as much.

If you ever hear that auld, I mean revered presenter Gaybo, ocassionally on Ray D'Arcy, he's always doing his nut about this stuff. Comes across as a bit of a ponce.
Hey Betsy Og! How could you imply that this revered, living legend has any relation to the following ......
Or are you privvy to some otherwise unreleased footage.:D
When Cork people say leave instead of let.

Example: "Leave him go to the concert" instead of "Let him go to the concert"
the word get...

also had the misfortune of working with a girl who said 'inanyways' all the time