The way the Gardai say "vehicle".
Do they teach them this in Templemore? Nobody else pronounces it the way they do.
In support of MILs (who, me?) MIL says 'irregardless' all the time. Hello, the word is Regardless ...
... Hello, the word is Regardless ...
Mid-Atlanticisms are acceptable except when the mammy-in-law uses them.
Goodbye, you are the weakest linguist.![]()
The way Anne Doyle (news reader) pronounces issue - 'isssss-u'. It always sounds weird to me.
If you ever hear that auld, I mean revered presenter Gaybo, ocassionally on Ray D'Arcy, he's always doing his nut about this stuff. Comes across as a bit of a ponce.
Hey Betsy Og! How could you imply that this revered, living legend has any relation to the following ......She's also famed for how she pronounces "sexual" - sex-u-al, most people don't break it us as much.
If you ever hear that auld, I mean revered presenter Gaybo, ocassionally on Ray D'Arcy, he's always doing his nut about this stuff. Comes across as a bit of a ponce.