What was your best investment decision?

As Warren Buffett said "best investment is in yourself"... I so much agree... Everything else is an effect to my view as well... Also because compound will work when you trust yourself and time... God bless "The Intelligent Investor" book...
The firm has a market cap of 200Billion, in existence from 1965. Without them, there are no leading edge semi-conductor products in the world and no iphones, since their main customer is TSMC which manufactures all apple chips..
All the talk about new technology companies, ai and social media yet the most important companies in the space have been there for decades. Very difficult for a new start up to take on these titans that have decades of know how and IP
In 1982 I got a passport from the Dept of Foreign affairs. Best investment ever. The compounded returns have been extraordinary. Living and working abroad, hooking up with "Notherrealname " abroad , frequent travelling ever since. It really does broaden the mind.