What was the real cost of the banking crisis to the country?


Registered User
I would imagine that some day there will be a study done on the cost of the banking / financial crisis to this country. The €40-€50 billion is only the direct cost in the form of increased Government Debt. I would like to know the indirect cost to Irish society was. Suicides, homelessness, emigration, depression, unemployment etc all carry huge social cost and would imagine were impacted by the banking crisis and is something bankers should bear in mind next time they are throwing 'we have paid all the money back so reward us' lines. Especially in the context of the tracker scandal.
I would imagine that some day there will be a study done on the cost of the banking / financial crisis to this country. The €40-€50 billion is only the direct cost in the form of increased Government Debt. I would like to know the indirect cost to Irish society was. Suicides, homelessness, emigration, depression, unemployment etc all carry huge social cost and would imagine were impacted by the banking crisis and is something bankers should bear in mind next time they are throwing 'we have paid all the money back so reward us' lines. Especially in the context of the tracker scandal.
I agree but I would also be careful about how we have such discussions as the same can be said about those who stymie reform in the health service etc.