What was said to Zidane

I thought the way he winked at the bench when he finished roaring at the referee to send Rooney off was very childish.
Purple said:
What did he do wrong?

Apart from the constant diving, Ronaldo did nothing wrong.

It could be argued that Materazzi did the same provoking on Zidane last night to get him sent off, yet we don't see him being hammered in the press (ok, the UK press) in the same way that Ronaldo was.
ronan_d_john said:
Apart from the constant diving, Ronaldo did nothing wrong.

It could be argued that Materazzi did the same provoking on Zidane last night to get him sent off, yet we don't see him being hammered in the press (ok, the UK press) in the same way that Ronaldo was.
I agree, the donkey got himself sent off, nothing to do with Ronaldo.
TarfHead said:
I agree, but the WC was played in Germany and Zizou is an adidas brand and adidas are German and FIFA are ...

Anyway FIFA could not bring themselves to award the Golden Ball to a defender.

It's journalists who pick the winner, not FIFA.
TarfHead said:
Has sound - just click on Zidane

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Yarra, feckit..! I 'lurves' the French and the Italians/abhor violence on the pitch equally, but for once I found myself wishing the French to win and the Italians to lose.

The airwaves and interweb are awash with theories as to 'what exactly was said...', etc. Personally, I imagine Il Materasso said something about Zizi's mother being down below, and she doing the bold thing (if you know what I mean?). I'm torn between agreeing that Z should have done 'The Right Thing' and contained himself, on the one hand, and on the other feeling that he was 100% justified. It's a crying shame all around, but on balance I think I'll back the man before The Game, any time...
Don't suppose you have an Occitan translation of that, ivuernis? :D

[Edit: post crossed with your editing..! I would hope that, for a guy like Zidane, pressing the flesh with M. Le Président Chirac would be disgrace enough!]
Zidane should have known better.

We all learned to cope with insults to our mother when playing football by about the age of 10. Same goes for racial insults, particularly when playing with our friends across the water - my name's not Paddy you know :rolleyes: .

Sticks and stones and all that...
I think Materazzi mentioned to Zidane that there might be a bubble in the property market. And everyone knows Zidane is bullish on property.
bacchus said:
May be the following...

[broken link removed]

From that article:
The Guardian's lip-reader interpreted Materazzi's words as: "I wish an ugly death to you and all your family", while the Daily Mirror said Materazzi allegedly sneered: "All Muslims are terrorist b-----s" and called Zidane's mother, Malika, "a whore".

The greek word for "winker", as in Ronaldo, is actually the same as Zidanes mothers name. So, there could be justification for a simple misunderstanding here.
maybe he offered a tap on the balls to cure the dripping water from his head:)