With every respect to you Mr.Man are you implying that the OP should speak with an Estate Agent ? The EA trade only relented to a falling market after all and sundry knew and realised what was going on. Throughout the length and breath of the country properties have remained on the market at crazy prices as the EAs tell vendors not to advertise at a lower price. If they want to get the market moving again they will act honestly and advise their clients on the actual state of the market which just might get things moving eventually. Oh, the joys of using the services of entities working on a commission basis !
Mercman i understand your disdain for EA's and I accept it but not everythin I say is a direct aim at keeping the market inflated. I don't see it as a them and us argument, my advice was that they should speak to someone who has knowledge of that market and knows the property, preferably someone that they personally know and it need not be an EA. I also have told plenty of vendors that their valuation of the property is way out, one recent case was 200k out from my valuation but 'lets try it at the higher price and see how it goes' or ' I can't afford to sell it for that valuation' or usually ' you must be joking' followed by a fall out and loss of business and invariably some bad mouthing about my valuation abilities and competence. The vendor is king in this instance and the ones who actually take on board the advice are the ones who generally make sales. There are still agents offering the higher value to secure the business but as more and more of us are joinging the dole queue there well be less will ing to pander to the egos of unrealistic vendors