"Throughout the length and breath of the country properties have remained on the market at crazy prices as the EAs tell vendors not to advertise at a lower price. If they want to get the market moving again they will act honestly and advise their clients on the actual state of the market which just might get things moving eventually."
I wholeheartedly dispute this version of reality. I have said it before and I will say it again, VENDORS - yes the people selling!- are the ones who make the decisions about the sale price.Could we please stop peddling the notion that clients take no decisions, have no responsibilties and are led by the nose by all their advisers! Its as if everyone else is always responsible - never the individual.
I have no doubt that there are bad EA's out there but, be under no illusion, if you are a vendor, it does not take Einstein to explain it to you what is happening in the market place and what you need to do to try and sell a property. Even if you have the worst EA in the world, it will only take a glance at the papers or a listen to the news , to put you right.
If I had a client in the same position as OP, I would be happy to have a chat with some of the EA's my clients use to see what their view was.