What time do you get up in the mornings?

Lauren said:
How disgusting!

Not as disgusting as the irish shower my ex flatmate used to have - a lick of MY facecloth on face, neck and armpits, I would then use same cloth to wash my face in shower...
Fecker only told me about it when he moved out.
My shrink says I should be over it in a year or two..

As regards betting out of bed - used to be up at 7.15 for 8.05 dart, from greystones. at desk for 9. I now drive in from greystones, get up 15 mins later and am in work 15 mins earlier. Work in city.
I get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night half an hour before I go to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we get home, our Dad and our mother would kill us and dance about on our graves singing Hallelujah.

(Couldn't resist...)
I'm sure it's not quite that bad Lauren! I mostly shower & do hair in the evening before I go to bed; sadly, these days there's not much that happens between 11pm and 7am to make me need another shower in the morning!
up at anytime between 7.45 and 8.15, usually closer to 8.15, shower and make up and then drag 4 year out of bed, we both sit down to breakfast at 8.30 to 8.45, leave house by 9.00..drop her to creche i have 30 min drive to work, arrive in office by 9.45 to 10.00am.... always late by 15 to 30 mins...

must get up earlier....!:)
well I feel really lucky compared to others on this thread but I get up at 8:40 and in work for 9:40, dont have any kids though. Wouldnt like to have to get up any earlier.

Instead of 'portuguese shower' people we have people that drown themselves with aftershave, really wish they wouldnt.....
At the moment I sit beside someone who I reckon doesn't even bother with the spray of deodarant - It is disgusting and can be so bad I have to leave and go for a walk

As for getting up in the morning I get up at 06:45, 40 mins for the 3 s's (41 mins for all 4 s's), leave house 07:30, get to Luas by 07:55, in work with Latte by 08:20 - I reckon this is pretty good considering I live out in Greystones area
Danmo said:
I agree with Lauren - blokes have it easy on getting ready front. Makeup/hair such a chore every morning

Don't think they have it that easy really - shaving takes time and isn't something you can rush is it? Or get away with skipping in some cases. Am always surprised more men don't grow beards just for the sake of getting the extra time in bed in the mornings.

During the summer my routine was roughly:

Get up at 7.35, quick wash (shower at night usually, would need too long to wash/dry hair in morning), breakfast (freshly squeezed oj, bread or cereal), brush teeth, iron something to wear if necessary, dress and out the door by 8.05. Ten minute walk to bus stop, bus into town, ten minute walk to work. In by 9.

This winter, especially the last month, has been a disaster for me though. Barely able to drag myself out of bed by 8, quick wash, throw clothes on and leave house by 8.15 hoping to make it into work on time but traffic getting worse and worse means I've been later and later. I really have big problems getting up when it's dark. Was in Germany for a couple of days a few weeks ago and it was full daylight there by half-eight (which is half-seven our time) and I had no problem waking up without any alarm clock never mind the three I use here!
Murt10 said:


"Out of bed 6:05, out the door by 6:30 after the 4s's & have cereal & coffee at work"

Murt, if a shower, shave, a number 2 and what you suggest can be acomplished in 25 minutes then I'm doing something wrong in my life....
legend99 said:
I'm aware of 3 s's.....assuming one involves the usage of a toilet, one the usage of a shower, one the usage of shaver...but my curiosity as to what the fourth one is is overwhelming...

The 4th S is, I assume, a shirt.

Cos not everyone wears a clean shirt every day. I have worked with people (well just one really) who would go for 3 consecutive days with the same one. Plain white shirts make it (visibly) less conspicious.

Not showering and yesterday's shirt ? A special place in Hell awaits you.
Never been able to understand the showering the night before lark. People sweat in their sleep y'know!!!

I get up at 6:20. I'm very slow moving in the morning. Shower, shave, clean teeth, breakfast, clean teeth, out the door.

Oh...somewhere in there I get dressed as well!

I'm out the door by 7:40 and in work for 8:30 :(
People sweat in their sleep y'know!!!

... maybe if you're 20 stone or sleep in a sauna! ;) Seriously though I doubt very many people sweat much more during the night than they would on the way in to work so it wouldn't make that much difference showering the night before - of course I'm bias as that's what I do meself!!
Ceist Beag said:
... maybe if you're 20 stone or sleep in a sauna! ;) Seriously though I doubt very many people sweat much more during the night than they would on the way in to work so it wouldn't make that much difference showering the night before - of course I'm bias as that's what I do meself!!

Its never the same....you feel manky by about half eleven after a shower night before...you get to end of working day if you have shower that morning...never midn the fact that I need a shower to wake me up.
I do try and shave the night before however.
Now I'm working very close to home I get up at 8am, shower, dress at my leisure, feed the dog and saunter out the door at 8.30, in work at 8.40 and breakfast whilst catching up on AAM. Bliss.

Pre Christmas it was draaaagg my butt out of bed at 7.15 (having studiously ignored the alarm at 6.50), shower, kick the dog, dress in a ridiculous rush, dash to the car and sit in traffic for up to an hour.



(now open in Swords! :D )
Wouldn't I just love a 10min commute like you Sarah W !

I travel from Swords to Fairview - about 40mins to 1hr by car, depending on traffic conditions or if I have to drop 3yr-old to child-minder or 1hr 30 by bus+walking. Homeward journey is about 1hr 30 by bus+walking or sometimes 2hrs if the damn thing is full of non-Swords passengers on the Swords bus :mad:
By car I can usually manage 35 - 50 mins. Must buy 2nd car and add to the congestion ...

More interestingly, what time do people LEAVE for home and at what time do they actually get home ?
redstar said:
More interestingly, what time do people LEAVE for home and at what time do they actually get home ?

Good point - it always seems to take longer to get home than it does to get into work. Could be because I tend to wander in and out of what shops are open on the way home.

Finish work officially at 5.30, usually leave by 6 anyway. Most of the time I walk home and it takes an hour and fifteen minutes more or less. If I get the bus it's a ten minute walk to bus stop, potentially having to wait up to 20 minutes for the bus (it starts a good bit away so difficult to go by timetable), at least 40 mins on the bus and then ten minute walk home. If I don't have to wait I can save 20 minutes on the walk time but unless I'm really in a hurry and every second counts it's just as quick to walk. Walking also brings me up Camden Street so I can take my time and buy fruit and veg and any other bits I need/feel like - although being January I'll be avoiding shops like Listons for a while and eating only very basic foods!
Official clocking-off time is 17:00 so I'm normally exiting the building at that point.

15/20 drive minute to DART station, 15/10 minute wait for DART, 35/40 minute DART journey, home by 18:15.

Used to get home by 18:00 but then Iarnrod Eireann removed 3 Howth-bound DARTs from the schedule so I have longer to wait at Booterstown.

This evening I (as I do each Friday) drove all the way home and made it (20 miles) in 45 minutes. East Wall Road is either a car-park at 17:30 on a Friday or a race-track. This evening it was a race-track so I got to the tailbacks in Clontarf quicker than normal.

More parents back at work next week - back to reality (traffic-wise).
I usually leave the office at around 4.30, get the train at 4.43, get to Balbriggan at 5.30 (unless its running less which is more often than not). Then I either get a lift from my boyfriend if he's around or I walk the 20 mins to my house.
I leave the office at 5.10, peg it to the train station, get the train at 17.23 (well that's the time it's mean to arrive at). Theoretically I arrive in Balbriggan at 18.10 but it doesn't always go according to plan thanks to Irish Rail! Also have to factor another 15 mins walk home from the station so I suppose 1 hour 15 mins door to door which isn't bad.
Mornings my commute takes about an hour but that's because Mr Mo drops me to the DART station closest to his job on the way & that includes the walk.
I know its a while but had to get my two cents in...Up at 6 out the door by 6.25 walk 15 mins to train station get the 6.40 train...7.50 arrive in Heuston..get Luas into city centre at my desk by 8.05! Home time..leave at 4 have minor heart attack running for the luas...arrive at heuston anywhere between 4.15 and 4.25..depending on if the luas was late or how the luas driver decides to drive! Have another minor heart attack running for the 4.25 train... then spend about an hour and 15 mins standing upright getting aquainted with a complete strangers elbow in my back (trains are packed!) and off the train... another 15 mins walk home and hopefully on a good day im home by 6!