What is really bugging you today?

Eventhough the place I work in operates a strict no smoking policy, this means no smoking breaks during working hours, people still manage to find time to slip out and have a cigarette. HR and all the "important" people know that this goes on but just let it slide. I'm sure if I was taking 1 or 2 5-10 minute breaks every hour they'd have something to say about it but because I choose not to pollute my lungs I have to sit there and pick up the slack when people go out to smoke.
The weather.

I know its a very Irish thing to get upset about it, but the sun shines for 10mins then it ****es. Been doing this all morning, and I need to get the little 'un out for a walk cos him and me are both bored indoors.
The weather.

I know its a very Irish thing to get upset about it, but the sun shines for 10mins then it ****es. Been doing this all morning, and I need to get the little 'un out for a walk cos him and me are both bored indoors.

You need to get 2 of these