What is really bugging you today?

The thing bugging me today is a girl that sits beside me in work and is constantly looking at my screen, checking the time when I leave my desk,come back... arggghhh, she is not my boss, but is just a nosey cow...... oh it was great today, as she was off... the witch!
The thing bugging me today is a girl that sits beside me in work and is constantly looking at my screen, checking the time when I leave my desk,come back... arggghhh, she is not my boss, but is just a nosey cow...... oh it was great today, as she was off... the witch!

Back to work dosser!
The parents of a 12 year old who abandoned the child (baby) to go on holiday and left them home alone.

Some people should not have children!

I can still hear the sobs.

My wages are late, I'm disgusted. If this makes my mortgage payment late I'll go mental.
Colleagues, who after you give them an inordinate amount of support given a personal problem affecting their work and defend then wholeheartedly to the powers that be, don't learn their lesson, don't buck up their ideas and after a period of procrastination lie and attempt to blame you for their failure to complete work.

Colleagues who then get offended and compile a report to the same powers that be when you challenge them on the lie.
Lads, you are posting on the wrong thread. You should be on the mutual appreciation thread,