What is really bugging you today?

Do you say 'Actually he's a bit unpredictable so I can't let you pat him' or just 'stop', 'no' 'back off' whatever. If the latter that might be why people take offence (not that it excuses them telling you to f off or throwing bottles at you).
Well in general people have the common sense/good manners to say "Can I/my daughter/son pet your dog?" in which case I say "Sorry, no but he's still in training" and people are generally fairly understanding. Of course I understand you saying they might take offense if I just said no but I always try to be as polite as possible, it would be fairly easy to pinpoint me and the dog around the neighbourhood if I was to make a name for myself as being rude.

The amount of people that don't bother to ask, given the size of him at just 10 months old, is actually shocking. I would be terrified to just walk up to a dog of his size and stick my hand out. Just last week 3 kids came from behind and one of the girls started petting him, she then said can i pet your dog? and i said you're already doing that but if you don't mind he's still in training so i'd prefer if you didn't, the girl continued to pet him and said if he bites me i'll get him put down, meantime her buddy is swinging out of his tail and when i suggested he stop he said well you should get his tail cut then.

I would like to add he is trained to sit if anyone approaches and sit if another dog is passing (as other dogs tend to go for him given his size) and he is very well behaved but that doesn't mean to say he'll always be 100% well behaved.
What is really bugging you today?

2 articles in the Irish Times today.

[broken link removed], an opinion piece, about energy policy and why peat taken from the ground in the Taoiseach's constituency is good, and peat taken from 32 nominated bogs in bad.

The [broken link removed] on the expenses claimed by John Gormley over 10 years from commuting, I presume by bicycle, from his home to Leinster House.

Just when you think that there's nothing left to shock you ..
2 articles in the Irish Times today.

The [broken link removed] on the expenses claimed by John Gormley over 10 years from commuting, I presume by bicycle, from his home to Leinster House.

That story got my attention as well. The system is a complete joke.
Office Politics. And phrases like "you can't email that person" and "there are proper channels to do things"
And while I'm on the subject, appraisal systems where you are handed a grade, it's not up for debate and then they tick the box for HR that your professional development is all discussed and agreed?!
My back is sore. I never hurt it before and it is irritating the hell out of me.

Me too. But I did hurt mine before. My current prob seems to be undiagnosable by doctors/consultants/physios - so Im just suffering on.
Office Politics. And while I'm on the subject, appraisal systems where you are handed a grade, it's not up for debate and then they tick the box for HR that your professional development is all discussed and agreed?!

Is there no appeals system?
Have a couple of days off next week.......but have a long list of DIY jobs and cleaning up to do, so wont enjoy it.
People in work ringing me with random questions. I can't send an email. Ok, so ring IT then.
Work has blocked the channel 4 site this year so I can get BB updates at lunch time.
Work has blocked the channel 4 site this year so I can get BB updates at lunch time.
Jeez, if all you have to complain about today is that you can't get Big Brother updates off the C4 website, you have it made !!
What's bugging me? The fact that my plan for winning the lottery STILL hasn't worked!
Stupid ignorant female "power walkers" who feel it is perfectly ok to force others to jump into the road to avoid getting trampled by them in groups who insist on taking up the whole pavement with their ridiculous arm swinging, stupid looking faces, bobbing head marching malarky!

( this annoys me everyday but I have just returned from a stroll to the shop where yet again I ended up hopping onto the road to avoid them!)
I'm still annoyed about something that happened yesterday and you'll probably think its minor!
My husband went to the local coffee shop to get takeaway coffees. I asked for a skinny latte as I'm trying to shed a few lbs and I'm being really good. I was drinking the latte (with S L written on the lid) and noticing how delicious it was then thought there's no way this is a skinny one. I tasted my husbands regular latte and it was the exact same. I said it to him and he said yeh I thought they just poured from the same jug alright.
He doesnt get the whole slimline milk thing. But I was, and clearly still am very annoyed with the coffee shop for blatantly not giving what i wanted. I think its happened before but I was in denial.

Lots of coffee shops only use low fat milk supposedly it is better for steaming (dont ask me) so maybe both of them were skinny latte's :- )
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Lots of coffee shops only use low fat milk supposedly it is better for steaming (dont ask me) so maybe both of them were skinny latte's :- )

great news!!! I'll run with regular lattes from now on
Dog poo in my front garden again and post man pat bringing his bike across the grass not using the brick paving that I put down. The fuse is getting shorter!! Ignorant postman and even more ignorant dog owner.