What is income for the purpose of elderly housing grant


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Parents are considering applying for the housing adaption grant. My dad has had issues lately that resulted in having half a foot removed so mobility isn't great. It give an income threshold for means. Both parents are retired and get the state pension but are any savings they have taken into account here for the calculation. We aren't talking any significant sum by the way.

Household income would include any interest or dividends received on their savings during the previous tax year, but would not include the capital value of their savings. (As you probably know, it is accepted by the Government/the Local Authority that grant applicants will need to have some savings to pay for the balance of the work that the grant doesn't cover.) Only when household income exceeds €60k - after all disregards - is no grant payable.

(This link gives details of the three relevant schemes: https://www.gov.ie/en/service/3f186-housing-adaptation-grant-for-people-with-a-disability/)