Have you applied for Mortgage Interest supplement?
The state does expect you to pay €24 per week towards your accommodation and that will be the case whether you are renting and getting supplwmet, in local authority housing or getting mortgage Interest supplement.
Have you been to MABS? Have you done a standard financial statement for the bank under the MARP?
If you get MIS you may be able to stay in your home and hopefully as you are young at some stage in the future you will eb able to work and mark payments yourself again or the government have come up with a solution.
I'm on the waiting list a while now for MABS. Yes I did the financial statement- that's the budget I was talking about. I may just have to move back in with family as I don't have e96 euros spare a month, if I did I would have been paying into my mortgage. I don't want to stay in this house given my current state of health and support I need. That's why I'm wondering what my options are and right now the only one I can see is to ask the bank to sell it or could I?