What habits does your partner have that bug you.


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In the spirit of Valentines day what habits does your partner have that absolutely grate on your last nerve? (ex partners included). My OH is a gem but cannot stop fidgeting in the leaba - constantly moving his feet around, just cannot keep still at all. I don't know what my annoying habit would be? probably that I'm constantly saying Stay FECKIN easy will ya!
I have the exact same problem with my other half ney!

Even on the couch - constant arm flapping, leg shuffling, position shifting etc

Perhaps we should get together for a few nights of blissful, restful motionless sleep

but cannot stop fidgeting in the leaba

careful now...
Filling the sink with dishes to be washed so as I can't fill the kettle in the morning for my cup of tea! Could she not just stack them on counter top beside the sink????!!!! Jaysus!!!
.. Could she not just stack them on counter top beside the sink????!!!! ...
Could she not just fecken wash and dry them? What are you doing in the kitchen anyway, that's a man-free zone, for feck's sake? Next she'll be expecting a dish-washer. A dish-washer!! In a recession?? The best ones are now working in call centres for the phone companies . Do women not understand?
When my wife cooks she never washes up. I keep telling her that when you do a job ,you should'nt leave it half done.
I think that is called 'restless leg syndrome'. Sean Moncrief had some medical honcho on during the week explaining. On a more serious note, you should count yourself lucky, most men can only do it with their hands
I think that is called 'restless leg syndrome'. Sean Moncrief had some medical honcho on during the week explaining. On a more serious note, you should count yourself lucky, most men can only do it with their hands

Ah but capt Beaky - it affects every damn part of his body, restless hands (yeah I know!), feet, legs, head - he just can't stop moving -even in his sleep, he turns really violently and it wakes me up at least two three times a night - of course he cannot remember it!
Filling the sink with dishes to be washed so as I can't fill the kettle in the morning for my cup of tea! Could she not just stack them on counter top beside the sink????!!!! Jaysus!!!

how about you wash them in the evening? who's cooking in your house, btw?
When my wife cooks she never washes up. I keep telling her that when you do a job ,you should'nt leave it half done.

and you never had the content of the pot on your head instead of on your plate? count yourself lucky
Have you tried an Exorcist? Or voodoo?
and you never had the content of the pot on your head instead of on your plate? count yourself lucky

No, never because everything is washed when her mother calls on a Sunday. The MIL feels obligated on account of us allowing her to sleep over
My ex had a dreadful sense of direction and constantly relied on me to know where we were going...no matter how often he used the same route! Didn't matter whether he was driving or walking! Used to joke that he'd get lost on O Connell St!!
how about you wash them in the evening? who's cooking in your house, btw?

99.9% of the time I'm the chef as cooking is my biggest passion! The missus just gathers everything together afterward and bungs in it the sink. Great help that altogether....NOT!
The most annoying habit ever! My husband sings along to himself and never knows the words to any songs. Doesn't matter how obvious or well known but he just makes it up or gets it wrong. It drives me demented.
Mrs K has suggested that my most irritating habit is continuing to breathe. (She's only joking - I think!)