What does this phrase mean to you ?

I've heard loads of irish people say "it's a bit irish", meaning back to front or mixed up.

The expression "taking the mick/ey" is one I grew up with but since moving to Ireland I've refrained from using it, now i know what it might mean here!
. . I really do want to get to the bottom of peoples perceptions of such language.
Such language wouldn't trouble me; nor does your use of the descriptive words 'overweight' and 'woman' make me think that you are fatist or sexist. Either it was a frustrated throwaway comment or she was an ignorant sow, it makes no odds really.
Language does have power. As long as 'he' was regarded as the 'common gender', women felt very out of things. I know it can go overboard (herstory instead of history, for heaven's sake!) but Humanity instead of the race of Man, chairperson instead of chairman etc makes perfect sense in being inclusive. I don't mind the 'fat' which is descriptive, but 'chick' tells you more about the person's perception of the woman, than being descriptive of the woman.
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