What do you do to unwind/relax?

Having some money problems and work is very stressful these days which makes it difficult for me to completely unwind. But what does help is 6k walks 2 to 3 times a week, gardening, housework (a tidy environment keeps me calm), yoga. Trying to do the couch to 5k plan for jogging/running but need to work harder at it.

Edited to add - putting myself under pressure to run prob doesn't really help me umwind
Telescope brands such as Celestron or Meade are the only type of telescopes that I would recommend.

Agreed. Id never buy a 'cheap' telescope. I was very lucky to get my Celestron second hand from a friends brother who bought it and let it gather dust. He had paid 350 irish pounds for it, sold it to me for 100 - great deal!!!

Unfortunately my apartment has no window suitable for viewing so my Celestron sits in its box, awaiting me to come out of negative equity, get a job and someday have a home where it can actually be set up
Long hot soaks in the tub, lighted candles, and a large brandy by my side. Bliss
Baking, swimming and being with my partner: he has a soothing effect on me when I am stressed!
Long hot soaks in the tub, lighted candles, and a large brandy by my side. Bliss

Miss those bigtime. Our (old) house doesn't have one and it's on my wishlist. First thing I do when we go to a hotel is run the tap!
Exercise. Doing zumba classes twice a week for the last two months and these are great fun as well as a way to keep fit. Love going for a walk or run too and find that always clears my head. Also love to read a crime novel before bed for a half hour which gets my mind off work or any other problems before bed.
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