What do you do to target stress?

Ignoring the blatant sexism of that comment I find that my wife is useless at cleaning. She can tidy but she can’t clean worth a damn and I’ve never met a woman that can iron properly.

Caveat is right, it’s all about perspective. Ask yourself if the world will stop turning if you don’t do what you are worried about. People are what bring happiness everything else is just a tool to help you interact with others. I de-stress by interacting with my wife and children and friends. Walking and running are also good, as is reading and listening to music but in the end happiness and hope come from our relationships.
I would not be the world's greatest cleaner either as I am not interested in cleaning.

If I come home and the floors need mopping or skirting boards washed or whatever and I am too tired or want to go to the gym, etc, the floors can wait for another few days.

If the ironing from Monday is not done till Friday or even the following Monday, then so what.

I like to wake up early on a Saturday morning and get the housework out of the way, but if I dont do it, it can wait till whenever.
I distress by interacting with my wife and children and friends.

I'm hoping you meant de-stress!

If OP is interested in starting running, I found the C2-5k programme very good. You can download this to your i-pod and run it along with your own music, it's a programme designed to take you from the couch to 5k running ( ie C 2 5 K) in managable 3 weekly runs. You start off interspersing walking with running and gradually increase the running.
I find the best thing you can do for stress is share it - tell your other half if something is on your mind, he/she mightn't have a solution but I guarantee that you will feel better having told somebody. We have a little 15 min chat about work/bills etc when I come home - it clears the air and then you can enjoy your evening. Otherwise, I find a good walk on the beach with the dogs or a damn good book help!
Exercise-wise i find walking very relaxing, i put fast music on my ipod and walk to the rhythm of the music which feels very therapeutic.

Also yoga is brilliant for focusing the mind and learning to breathe and meditate to calm yourself. I always sleep really well after a class which would have a knock on effect on helping you feel less stressed.
Ah stress the modern world. You are working too hard but as you may need to do so for various reasons then cutting back is not an option. Over the years I had quite a few mechanisms for dealing with " pressure of work" whether they worked is not for me to say but here are a few tips.

NB good time management is the key to all of these.

1. Work smarter not harder= I have had people who would spend hours on tasks and others do same task in minutes.

2. Establish what your boss, if you work to a boss, wants and just do that.

3. Make a list and prioritise, Rome was not built in a day.

4. Figure out how important you are, ie put your hand in a bucket of water, take it out and see the difference, that's how important we are.

5. Ask yourself, whats the worst thing that can happen if I dont do so and so today?

6. Read " Dont sweat the small stuff" great little book.

and then relax by doing something totally unconnected with work that you really enjoy.

And of course keep reading DONT ASK ABOUTMONEY board.

One point to consider is not to over-think or get stressed about being stressed - "for fear of the fears" as the saying goes. What I mean is that its fairly normal to have a good dollop of stress in our lives, you dont have to necessarily feel that its something to be eradicated, so unless its noticeably wearing you out then maybe its not such a problem.

I find the kids are the best thing for taking my mind off work/worries - when playing with them the world around fades into the background. A good hot bath, especially if have those jets, is good, or the local jacuzzi/sauna/steamroom combo (not sure if they are in the right order!!).

Play a sport that requires contant attention - e.g. squash or indoor soccer. With something like jogging or walking you can end up in zombie mode just mulling over things while not smelling the roses or the sea spray or whatever.
Hi there,
I also find Vitamin B helps, http://royaljellystore.com/vitamin-B.htm. I have actually noticed that Mr. Bear and I are calmer and can deal with things better since starting to take vitamin B.

To tell you how bad I was, whenever I got bad news I would actually start to get physically sick. I kid you not. I started taking Vit B complex about 2 months ago, and well there is alot going on - that is not so good at the moment, and no sickness!!! Just calm!!

Come and take a trip to my home darling, I'll show you what a REAL woman irons like!! haha!

Am very interested in the couch to 5K, can I download that from iTunes??

C25K is on itunes. There are a couple of different versions of it.
I'm not a great ironer myself and know a few men who can iron. That said I have yet to meet a man who can wash dishes properly.
I made an observation based on personal experience. Of course there are women who can iron properly, I just haven't met them.

I am a firm believer of leading by example Purple, you will just have to do the ironing yourself to show us all how to do it properly...

You could even get a book out of it, or a DVD...
I am a firm believer of leading by example Purple, you will just have to do the ironing yourself to show us all how to do it properly...

Call over around 10.00 tonight and you'll see me in full flow.
Get an ironing press, folds down on a hinge. Shirts done in 6 or 7 fold downs. sit on a high stool watching telly while ironing. takes a lot of the effort out of it - only marginally faster i'd say as you have to line it up carefully before pressing down as otherwise you get a bad crease.

Some personal experience of the above but the boss is the main user.
Call over around 10.00 tonight and you'll see me in full flow.

Unfortunatly I'm a busy girl However you could do an ironing DVD, like a fitness dvd... You in your spandex showing us all how its done... I can see it now..
You in your spandex showing us all how its done...

Im more in favour of you starting in your underwear or a perhaps naked with a strategically placed bit of the ironing board blocking any real view - then ironing and putting on the clothes as they are ironed. So ending up in a full suit.

Kind of a backwards strip tease? You could play the whole show in reverse at the end for extra thrill.