What do pensioners get for free

You are correct justsally - this link shows that increased tax exemption limits begin at the age of 65 years.

Presumably the increased limit is because it is assumed that people aged 65 years are no longer able to work. The exemption limit <65 is €5210 or double for a couple. Who could live on that? So, when >65 income can be €17,000 single or €34,000 for a couple before tax is applied. Since these amounts are still only half the average industrial wage, I doubt if anyone could exist on less and would probably be defined as living in relative poverty.

As to whether these exemptions are still granted if a retired person works to increase their income, I don't know. I hope they do. Maybe someone else knows more about that. I think it is likely normal taxation applies if a retired person has an income greater than those limits.

What surprises me most and is quite shocking is that some people seem to resent this small tax concession to elderly people, who have spent their working lives living in this country and contributing to the system - yet have reaped very little in terms of monetary reward compared with todays generation. Some of us seem to have lost the ability for compassion towards the weak and elderly and that is regrettable. :(
Thanks for that Sherib,

There is also a further E250 - single, E500 - married, income tax exemption age allowance.
Couldn't agree more Sherib. Just thought that maybe a gentle tapering upwards of the allowance would be better starting at say 61, with the end result at 65 still the same. lots of people aged under 65 have a low income for one reason or another and an increased allowance wouldn't go amiss but the exemption limits dont appear to be based on earnings just age