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You have to bring a book and then read some of the book out loud every day. Why? Because if you have no one to speak too, you would lose the ability to speak and understand english.
and just to be sure I'd bring along Ray Mears.
it was a volleyball
you would lose the ability to speak and understand english.
1 lump or 1 pint
I think I win because I have brought the best things so far.
My private helicopter to escape the sharks and sharp reef
A crate of alcohol to enjoy before I take flight
Day two on S.L.F. Island began, as most days in Paradise do, with sunshine and a light breakfast of fresh pineapple, coconut and two cans of Beamish. (S.L.F. never put any Barry's tea bags in the vending machine)
Once I realised that all the action was at the other end of the island, I set off on foot with a puppy I'd befriended the previous night when he turned up out of the blue as I roasted the wild pig I'd hunted and killed earlier. I've decided to call him Christy Ring. (CúLex didn't quite have a ring to it).
We found the 100 ft high rapid growing trees that S.L.F. had planted the previous week to be impenetrable so we had to resort to another plan. We returned to base camp to plan strategy and Christy began digging in the sand for what I presumed was a bone he had buried earlier. Imagine my delight when his digging revealed, not a bone, but Caveat's guitar, Bubbly Scot's bagpipes and Davy Jones's surf board!! And a king size board into the bargain!
Having been a wanna be boy scout in my youth, I placed Christy and the bagpipes on the front of the surfboard, hopped aboard behind him and, using Caveat's guitar as an paddle, we struck off for the other side of the island. Sorry, Cav., but desperate situations and all that!![]()
The shark infested waters were exactly that. However, we calmly negociated our way from the shore and headed for open waters. From there we had a view of the whole island, which was bigger than I had expected. After about an hour of paddling, storm clouds appeared on the horizon and we immediately made for land. We made shore about half way to the other side of the island. Having pulled the surf board above the high tide mark, Christy and myself began exploring our new surroundings. In no time at all we stumbled upon a recently constructed hut which appeared to be made of basic materials. It had a straw roof and.......sash windows......!!!
My loyal and trusted Christy ran inside and ascertained that no nasty surprises awaited us in there. There was a table, 3 chairs and a cupboard. Inside the cupboard I found a book with no cover and a can of draught Guinness. (A Purpellian trap, I wondered?) Not having been able to carry provisions on Davy's surf board, and being very thirsty from my exertions, I cracked open the can and drank from it. As soon as I did, however, I found myself spitting it out again because it tasted like....well.....Guinness! Yuck! Christy wouldnt touch it either.
The book with no cover began......"Seanbhean is ea mé anois atá cos léi san uaig is an cos eile ar a bhruach." My blood ran cold! Up the Déise and SandraT are in on this, I thought! Are they in league with S.L.F. or are they on my side and do they want to make sure that I don't end up like the guy 3 minutes and 30 seconds into this......... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5TV_pdVtWc ??????????????
I'm starting to come around to this way of thinking!
Me, Lex and a container full of Beamish.
Bad mental picture there S.L.F.