What are you sick to the teeth listening about?

I'm sick of hearing about David Drumm's bankruptcy too.

This stuff literally leaves me speechless with shock.

Have to disagree with you there. I love hearing about David Drumm's escapades in the US. Better than any novel as he slowly slowly digs himself a deeper hole.
Have to disagree with you there. I love hearing about David Drumm's escapades in the US. Better than any novel as he slowly slowly digs himself a deeper hole.

I find it difficult reading. In the US he owes, effectively pocket change and is being treated to the courts. He was CEO of Anglo since 2005, which has caused so much hardship for the taxpayers of this country, and yet he hasn't had to face any questioning here.
"Its not about public versus private sector worker" - from any luddite in the Public sector unions trying to defend their gold plated pensions and their 1970s style working practices.

This + 1

G ' wan the Unions & the Labour Party !
I'm sick of hearing people blame others for their own bad decisions.


And I'm sick of all the "solutions" being bandied about meaning that the mistakes a few involve everyone paying for them, especially "NAMA" and "NAMA for the People".