What are you sick to the teeth listening about?


Registered User
I'm sick to my back teeth hearing about:

Location of the National Children's hospital.
The Bailout.
Anglo-Irish and the lack of banking prosecutions
Lowry/O'Brien and Moriarty. ( the three Amigos).
Corrib Gas and Shell.

We seem unable to make decisions, take action, finalise things and move on. We seem time -warped into Groundhog day, and talk things to death. After all the endless discussions I find myself turning off and losing interest. I doubt if I'm alone in this.
Agree with all of the above..

After all the endless discussions I find myself turning off and losing interest. I doubt if I'm alone in this.

Couldn't agree with you more! Especially from vested interests.
Sick to the teeth of ridiculous defense of the indefensible ,which is why I couldn't be bothered getting involved with many of the discussions anymore..
Im happy in the knowledge that something has to be done and will be done.

We seem unable to make decisions, take action, finalise things and move on. We seem time -warped into Groundhog day

Yep that sums it up for me...
The Bailout - the numbers have become meaningless now.

Negative Equity/Hard-pressed homeowners - as if the only people who are finding things tough and "deserve" help are those who paid too much for their "investment" (because apparently no-one bought a house just to have as a home)

Libya. I know it's a big deal but Sky News in particular are overdoing it.
"Property Ladder"

When did this term come into being? In my day you bought a home with no intention of moving, unless for work reasons it was absolutely necessary.
Was there ever any sense in buying a one bed apt with the intention that in a few years you'd have traded your way up. Who would benefit from this except Estate Agents and Solicitors??
Sick of the will they/won't they get the senior bondholders to "share the pain".

Also the renogiation of the interst rate on the bailout as if 1% is going to save our asses!

"X" didn't cause the crisis so why should "X" pay (replace "X" with whatever vested interest is being interviewed!)
I remember a time when a billion euro was a lot of money!
Now the figures just wash over me. 20 billion, 70 billion, it's just not something I comprehend anymore.
A billion here and a billion there and soon we'll be talking about serious money

The lotto is a tax on stupid people.
Well I run a syndicate in work. It's something to talk about and we can all dream for just 2 euro a week and chat over what we'd do.
You couldn't buy a bottle of coke in a pub for 2 euro.
So I'll continue to do the lotto, don't realy care about those comments
I'm sick of hearing about David Drumm's bankruptcy too. Tho I see today, (sorry now I read it) that in 2010 when he declared bankruptcy he:

  • Bought a Land Rover for $72K.
  • Bought another Land Rover.
  • Spent $595 on one night in a NY hotel.
  • Spent $995 on another hotel stay.
  • Gave his brother $6K.
In 2008 he transferred 1.6 million to the Missus, opening a bank account for her with $150K.

This stuff literally leaves me speechless with shock.

See IT:[broken link removed]
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Have to agree here. I run one also and it keeps us sane as we dream of winning the Euro Millions on a Friday as we leave work with a pdf of the scanned numbers to the frustration of the let down on a Monday morning when the results are distributed.

For €2 a week its good entertainment.
Get your facts right. He wouldn't be seen dead slumming it in a Land Rover. It was a Range Rover, or Range Rovers, to be more precise.
I remember a time when a billion euro was a lot of money!
Now the figures just wash over me. 20 billion, 70 billion, it's just not something I comprehend anymore.
A billion here and a billion there and soon we'll be talking about serious money

What hope have we when politicians esp Finance Ministers cannot even pronounce the word Billions properly,its not "billins" for Gods sake man,its BILLIONS...This inability to pronounce the word properly leads you to suspect they may not even fully understand how many "millins" there are in a "billin"
Lol @ Knuttell, very funny. On a related note is it Fin Gael, Fine(h) Gael, or Fina(h) Gael?
"Its not about public versus private sector worker" - from any luddite in the Public sector unions trying to defend their gold plated pensions and their 1970s style working practices.
I'm actually sick to my teeth of hearing 'we're all in the same boat' or 'everyone is suffering' - if I want to have a bit of a moan, please just say something nice and positive the way I do when you moan to me...............
I'm gonna sound like a broken record but I'm absolutely sick of listening to women (mostly) on radio ads, telling us that something is "Pridely" supported, or sponsored by, some company. Did they ever learn to speak properly? When I was growing up, the word was "Proudly." (And should we assume from this that some companies are ashamed to be involved in some sponsorships?)

Back to my rant. Did it all start with Lorraine Keane and AA Roadwatch.....? Traffic heading ite of tyne, or heading site as it approaches a rindabite............

I have very high tolerance levels but this is definitely my Achilles heel! I won't have anything to do with companies whose representatives speak like this. No dyte abite it!!!!!!!!!!!!!